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A Dish Best Served Cold (The Man In Rage) novel Chapter 22

"Ye Fan, you bastard. How dare you turn down my invitation. I am never asking you out again."

At that time, the employees of Qiushui Logistics had already punched out. Qiu Mu-Cheng was left alone in the office.

And she was seething with anger. Earlier today, a business associate had given her two tickets to an auction, and she wanted to invite Ye Fan to the event but, to her surprise, the bastard had turned her down using a prior engagement as an excuse.

"Hmph, you have too many engagements!"

"I will never ever go out with you again."

Qiu Mu-Cheng was really mad. Although she had not asked him explicitly to accompany her to the auction, the bastard should have guessed her intention. Why else would she have called him and asked about his plans for the evening?

If he had just a little bit of emotional intelligence, he would have guessed the reason for her call.

"Hmph, this blockhead. No wonder he's still a virgin."

When Qiu Mu-Cheng stomped away on her high heels, she was still fuming.

Before going to the auction, she went home first and had a change of clothes. Members of upper-crust society were going to attend the auction and, as the third daughter of the Qiu family, she had to pay attention to her appearance if she didn't want to bring shame to her family.

Meanwhile, Ye Fan had his own problem to think about as he made his way to Shanshui Memorial Garden.

"Is that Xu Lei trustworthy or not? If she reveals my identity, the plan that I have been working on for the past ten years could be exposed."

Ye Fan was well aware of the might of the Chu family.

If anyone in that family found out about the enormous wealth in his possession, they would want to investigate and find the source of his funds. And if they traced the trail back to Han, his identity as a spy would be exposed.

"I have to get in touch with Han. I can't afford to be too careful."

Halfway through his thoughts, Ye Fan arrived at Shanshui Memorial Garden.

"Mr. Chu, you have arrived?"

Li Er had been waiting at the entrance since half an hour ago. When he saw Ye Fan, he skipped forward to welcome him. And the servile look on Li Er's face caused his underlings to gape in shock.

Was this the unofficial king of Yunzhou, Li Er?

Was this the same Li Er who ruled over the police and the underworld?

Under the astonished gazes of his underlings, Li Er escorted Ye Fan into Shanshui Memorial Garden.

"Mr. Chu, what happened with the Shen family was due to my negligence. I promise, such a thing will never ever happen again." Li Er tapped his chest confidently.

Ye Fan smile and said, "Remember what you said today."

Midway through their talk, Li Er and Ye Fan arrived at the hall.

Shanshui Memorial Garden was renowned as a high-end entertainment club in Yunzhou. Normally, only members or VIPs were allowed to set foot on its premises.

"Mr. Chu, in a while, they will hold an auction here. If you see anything you like, just tell me and I will get it for you."

A crowd had already filled the hall.

Everyone was dressed beautifully and their manners were elegant. One could see at a glance that they were the elites of society and from the very best families. As they held wine glasses filled with red wine, the attendees chatted among themselves.


"So beautiful!"

"As pretty as a fairy?"

"Who's that beauty!"

But, the hubbub in the hall suddenly ceased and was replaced by silence. Many in the crowd turned their gazes toward the door, to look at the lady in the purple dress.

Ye Fan, too, turned to look. And then he stared with his eyes wide open.


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