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A Dish Best Served Cold (The Man In Rage) novel Chapter 78

Ye Fan was a capable person and the scion of a powerful family but, in their opinion, it did not necessarily mean that he knew how to fight as well.

Everyone has their own strengths and weaknesses. There is no such thing as a perfect all-rounder. The important thing is to know your own limits.

Take right now for example. Since long ago, Huo Dun had already gained renown in the boxing fraternity. When it came to things like devising strategies and family background, he would probably lose to Ye Fan. But when it came to fighting, Chen Ao and the other Jiangdong leaders shared the opinion that Huo Dun would beat Ye Fan hands down.

Ye Fan was just a rich kid with a frail body. So Chen Ao and the others would not look down on him even if he had admitted that Huo Dun was the better fighter.

After all, Huo Dun was the Boxing King of the Muay Thai world and the Tiger of South East Asia. Very few people could take him on in a fight.

But instead of recognizing his own weakness, Ye Fan had gone on to publicly undermine Huo Dun. And he had even claimed that Wu He-Rong could kill Huo Dun like a chicken from ten feet away.

Do you freaking know how to box?

Do you freaking know martial arts?

Because Ye Fan was just spouting nonsense, he had invited the anger of the Jiangdong leaders.

Even Chen Ao and Li Er were unhappy with Ye Fan. They thought that he was being petty and acting like a braggart. And so, their respect for Ye Fan diminished a little.

"Mr. Chu, since we do not really understand martial arts, we should refrain from commenting."

"The Boxing King is an elite fighter, and we have spent a lot of money to bring him here from South East Asia."

"I feel that we should show him some respect and courtesy," Chen Ao advised


Li Er also nodded in agreement.

Both Chen Ao and Li Er shared the same opinion that the survival of Jiangdong depended on Huo Dun.

Now that Ye Fan had publicly undermined Huo Dun, Chen Ao and the other leaders felt the need to speak up for their savior.

After all, their lives were now in the hands of Huo Dun.

Ai, Mr. Chu is still too young.

Chen Ao and Li Er shook their heads and sighed feelingly.

Only young and aggressive people like Ye Fan would show off like that.


"The young are too ignorant to know fear-" "Mr. Chen, which family is this kid from?"

"He's too reckless and can't tell chalk from cheese."

"How dare a worthless brat like him insult the savior of Jiangdong?"

Just then, the Jiangdong leaders were all unhappy with Ye Fan. When they looked at him, their eyes were filled with rage and disdain.

If they were not wary of Ye Fan's background, they would have chased him away already.

But Chen Ao waved his hand dismissively and stepped forward to mediate on Ye Fan's behalf. The young man had given him a lot of help back in the day, so Chen Ao was not going to abandon Ye Fan over some minor dissatisfaction. "Mr. Chu is young and full of vigor after all. I hope all of you can be magnanimous and forgive him."

"We were all young once."

Chen Ao had spoken and so, despite their intense loathing for Ye Fan, the other

Jiangdong leaders kept their peace.

But it was clear to see that their opinion of him had hit rock bottom.

And Chen Nan glared disdainfully at Ye Fan.

"Hmph! Stop pretending to be an expert when you don't know anything! Look at how skinny you are. Do you know martial arts? I bet the Boxing King can send you flying with a single punch. Who gave you the courage to doubt him?" she whispered with a gloating look on her face.

At this moment, Chen Ao was trying to placate Huo Dun. "Mr. Huo, please don't be angry. Mr. Chu is still young and can be a bit wilful at times."

"But all of us here do believe in your ability."

Chen Ao laughed obsequiously, and tried to continue discussing the plan to deal with Wu He-Rong.

But Huo Dun was clearly still angry. "Out of consideration for Mr. Chen, I will not stoop down to his level and pick a fight with this arrogant brat."

"But what is today's occasion? I have traveled a long distance to come here to meet with the heroes of Jiangdong. This is such an important meeting. But, Mr. Chen, you have allowed an immature brat to attend. Do you think we are playing house here?"

"Well~" After Huo Dun had spoken, Chen Ao's expression grew heavy. He was in a predicament.

Huo Dun's intention was clear. He wanted Ye Fan to leave.

But considering Ye Fan's distinguished status, Chen Ao did not dare to ask him to leave.

"It looks like Mr. Chen is in a predicament."

"Well, since Mr. Chen would rather trust a youngster than listen to me, then I see no point in staying here."

Huo Dun laughed coldly when he saw the expression on Chen Ao's face. And then he stood up to leave the restaurant.

"Mr. Huo, please don't-"

"Jiangdong needs you. How could you leave?"

"If you leave, who will save Jiangdong?"


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