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A Divorce After My Rebirth novel Chapter 709

Bianca looked at Malcolm, and the smile on her lips grew deeper.

Finally, she looked at the man and said, "Every time I see you acting hysterical for her, whether it's her or Jade, I just feel sorry for you."


Malcolm was instantly provoked.

Undoubtedly, Faye had always been a taboo existence in Malcolm's life over the years. In his heart, she was a festering wound! Just a slight touch would cause it to bleed profusely.

It was an unbearable pain!

Over the years, nobody dared to bring up this matter in front of him.

Yet, this damned woman...!

From the moment Bianca came into his life, he forbade her from mentioning Faye in his presence. It's as if whenever Bianca brought up Faye, she tarnished Faye's name.

And now...!

She looked at him boldly with no trace of fear in her eyes. Instead, her eyes were filled with endless mockery.

"How truly pitiful!"

"Shut up!"

"Do you even know what kind of person she was?"

"I told you to shut up!"


Malcolm kicked aside the coffee table.

"Are you angry?" Bianca asked.

As she looked at the cracked wooden table, her smile grew even broader.

It was the same expression.

During those years when Bianca couldn't escape from him, he would lock her in a windowless room whenever she mentioned Faye. He didn't care how much she struggled inside.

Without fail, every single time ended in such a brutal outcome.

Bianca didn't know how long she would be kept inside, but that kind of darkness was enough to wear down anyone's will.

No matter how tough someone was, all their strength would gradually be eroded under such circumstances.

Bianca couldn't remember how many times this man had punished her because of Faye!

She just remembered that every time that name was mentioned, she wouldn't see him for a long, long time...!

Even if she didn't see him, the torment inflicted upon her wouldn't diminish in the slightest.

Over time, Bianca became obedient.

She didn't want to be tortured because of that name! So, after that, she never mentioned that name in front of Malcolm.

Although this man would occasionally go crazy, at least it wouldn't be as disastrous as mentioning that name.

But now, it was different!

She was Zane's wife, the seventh lady of the Entes family. Malcolm could no longer do as he pleased with her.

Just like now!

If she had mentioned Faye's name in the past, the kick that landed on the coffee table might have landed on her instead.

But now?

He glared at Bianca with cold anger.

Initially, he had come to inquire about Zane's news. He had been all prepared, but now...!


Before Bianca could say anything else, the man looked at her with sinister eyes. His anger made his eyes turn crimson, and they looked like the eyes of a wild beast.

He looked terrifying.

However, Bianca met his eyes without fear.

"I never take on divorce cases involving the children of wealthy families, and I rarely represent the male party. But do you know why I became Faye's opposing counsel?"

The man was already cold and angry. At this moment, he looked like he wanted to tear Bianca apart with his bare hands!


It was a name that abruptly ended conversations over the years.

This time, it seemed like the longest conversation Bianca had managed in years.

No matter how angry Malcolm was, Bianca remained calm. She didn't even acknowledge his fury.


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