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A Divorce After My Rebirth novel Chapter 710

The scene erupted into chaos instantly!

At this moment, it seemed that Bianca and Malcolm had completely dropped all pretenses!

In fact, it had been that way since she started working with Zane.

Now, it was a direct retaliation...!

After a long stretch of silence, Malcolm laughed!

His laughter was filled with coldness.

Looking at the woman before him, the coldness in his eyes changed into an intrigued glint.

"Bravo, Bianca... Well done!"

"74 wouldn't have dared do it... but the Entes family's seventh lady would!" Bianca said, reminding Malcolm of her radically different identities.

Malcolm's smile grew wider. "Good... Very good!"

He approached her as he spoke, and the intrigued glint in his eyes suddenly intensified.

He looked at Bianca fiercely and grabbed Bianca's chin with his slender fingers. His rough fingertips dug into her skin, and the air around him was thick with danger.

"The way you are now makes me want to see how you will look once I break your stubborn pride!"

He was eager to tear it down... layer by layer!

Bianca's lips curled into a charming smile. "You don't have what it takes!"

"Oh, really?"

"Of course!"

Bianca spoke the words firmly and proudly.

When she had been by Malcolm's side, this man had been practically dismantling every bone in her body all the time. Although she bowed her head to him, he knew in his heart that her actions were not a true act of submission!

She was too stubborn... right down to her bones!

Before Malcolm could speak, Bianca said very seriously, "But I will let you gradually realize what kind of person that woman really was."

The air was instantly filled with heavy pressure!

Malcolm had to admit that Bianca was currently so bold that no one dared would dare cross her without a proper reason.

She knew how to advance and retreat, and this was not her first time doing it.

"It seems that you still..."

"The night before her wedding, she spent the night in a hotel with a man who wasn't her husband and was caught red-handed."

"Bianca!" Malcolm's grip tightened, and his breath stifled in this instant.

Yet Bianca seemed oblivious, or perhaps she relished Malcolm's current state!

Feeling the man trembling involuntarily all over, she laughed recklessly.

She continued, "She played the victim, claiming she was raped! Her in-laws swept the matter under the rug, but that man who had been with her died a miserable death!"


"But later, when all her secrets were exposed, everyone knew she hired thugs to clean everything up! She ended up ruining herself! So, how much do you really know about her, hmm?"

How much?

Her words implied that Faye had done more than that.

Malcolm grew angrier, and his eyes turned red with a maniacal glint. Meanwhile, Bianca's smile remained on her lips.

That smile made her seem so hateful.

In the end, just as she felt her jawbone was about to be crushed, Malcolm shoved her roughly to the side and left in anger.

As she watched the man's figure disappear from the doorway, Bianca's smile also vanished.

In place of it, there was endless coldness and calmness on her face.

Neil came in and looked at Bianca in concern. "Are you alright?"

Neil recalled the sight of Malcolm leaving angrily just now. He naturally knew about the rumors surrounding Malcolm in Simeria.

According to rumors, he was a very terrifying person.

At this moment...!

When he saw the bruises on Bianca's shoulder and the red marks on her chin, he knew things hadn't worked out well.

However, Bianca didn't seem bothered by it. She said, "Don't worry, Neil, I'm fine."

"Alright, Lady Bianca." Nanshu nodded, but he was still extremely worried.

Chapter 710 Wrath 1

Chapter 710 Wrath 2


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