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A Girl Adopted by Wolves novel Chapter 30

The Alpha Hercules was really terrifying and the power he was exuding felt like a strong gust of wind passed over me. I felt like I would be knocked off of my feet any moment. I know everybody felt the same. I didn’t wanted to leave Amara there but I had no choice. They are her family after all. They won’t hurt her. Inside the house the atmosphere was so tense that you could cut it with a butter knife. There was fear and anger rolling in waves from the people in the room. I felt threatened too. I mean who wouldn’t. The Alpha and his son, were downright dangerous. Abby was crying hysterically and Mathew was trying to calm her down but he too looked scared as hell. I heard footsteps approaching the door. I knew it was Amara. I was about to get up but Leo’s voice rang in my head.

‘Do not pay attention to her. I am not sure if I want her around. No one will look at her. We will decide on this matter later.’

What? But she is my mate. What does he mean by that?

‘Especially you Asher. Don’t even look at her and stay put. Head down.’ Leo ordered.

Amara came in after a few seconds. I wanted to go near her and embrace her but I stayed sitting with my head down. Stupid hierarchy. I can’t disobey my alpha’s orders.

"If you guys don't want to see me anymore, it's alright I can understand." She whispered.

Her voice sounded broken but everybody ignored her. A lump started to form in my throat. This is wrong. The way they are treating her is very cruel. She is a part of this pack.

"Aaron have you seen my phone?" She asked.

"Yeah. I charged it but didn't turn it on." I saw Aaron getting up and walking towards her from the corner of my eyes. She smiled at him but it didn’t reach her eyes.

"Bye." She said to him.

"Bye. See you tomorrow at school." he hugged her and sat beside Carter. I want to hug her too.

"Sorry about everything." She said to us but everybody pretended they didn’t hear her.

She turned around and walked out of the door. No come back. I got off the chair but Leo stopped me from going out of the house.

“What the hell was that?” I asked angrily snatching my arm from his.

“Exactly what I said earlier.” He growled.

“So you want me to stay away from my mate just because your stupid ass can’t swallow the fact that there is someone more powerful than you out there.” I snapped. Leo growled in warning.

“That wolf was going to kill one of our pack mates” He said trying to control his anger.

“Oh yeah! But she wasn’t the one who started it. She wasn’t the one who messed up. It was completely his fault. It’s not her mistake that the said pack member has anger issues. He hurt her too and you are telling me to stay away from her. She healed Aby which knocked her out for an entire day. But you thanked her by being suspicious of her. Mathew attacked her, even hurt her but you rewarded her by ignoring her. She stopped her father from killing Mathew even when Mathew deserved it. But what did you guys do? You kicked her out. You hurt her. You even made me hurt her. She didn’t deserve this.” I felt tears roll down my cheeks. “She is been through a lot Leo. Don’t do this to her. I am going to see her tomorrow whether you like it or not. You can kick me out of the pack if you want to. I am not giving up on my mate for anything or anyone.”

Chapter 30- Asher 1

Chapter 30- Asher 2


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