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A Girl Adopted by Wolves novel Chapter 31

I sat on the river shore and rested my head on my front paws. The sound of the flowing water helped to calm me down. I closed my eyes listing to the sounds of the jungle. The birds, the wind rustling the leaves of the trees, the hooves of the deer hitting the leaves and moss on the ground, the scent of the plants and flowers….

I woke up suddenly. Oh my god! How long have I been sleeping? I ran all the way back to the woods near my house and shifted. I hastily wore my clothes on, took the keys of my bike out of my bag from the porch and drove off towards Amara’s school. I hope everything goes fine.

I reached there barely on time. The school looked almost empty. Is she alright? She looks so pale and exhausted. She is on the back of one of the vampires, her eyes closed. Did she faint again?

"What happened to her?" I asked.

She didn’t open her eyes. Is she alright?

"Amy.", I called. Her lips slightly curved upwards.

She slid off of the vampire’s back and opened her eyes. She looked at me startled and rubbed her eyes. Then she frowned.

"I should get back home. I am beat and I am seeing things. I should go sleep." She said to the others. Is she ignoring me? Ouch! That hurts. But I deserve it. I will make it right one way or another.

"Amy who is that?" Elena asked her.

"Who is who?" She asked confused? Did she not see me here?

"That guy behind you." She turned around and looked at me. Her eyes wide with shock.

"What are you doing here?" She asked glaring.

I was thinking of something to say but she shook her head and blushed. What happened? Did I do something?

"We should get going. Come on guys." Aaron said to the others. Thanks buddy.

"I came to see you. Don't be mad at me please." I said looking at her expression. No problem so far. Still I should proceed with caution. Wow this feels like a military mission. Well as long as the prize is her, I will do anything.

"Didn't Leo order you not to come near me?" She snapped. How did she know that?

"He has no rights to keep me away from you." I said moving near her. I stood right in front of her. I can hear her heart beating fast. Mine is not resting easy either. The only difference is, she can’t hear my heart go out of control.

"What do you want?" She asked weakly. She tried to move back but I pulled her towards me.

"I am sorry. Please don't be angry with me.” I said resting my forehead on hers and closed my eyes.

I don’t want her to hate me or to leave me. She tried to move away but I held her face with my left hand and her waist with my right, pulling her flush to me. I heard her gasp.

Chapter 31- Asher 1

Chapter 31- Asher 2

Chapter 31- Asher 3


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