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A Graduation Gift novel Chapter 471

Ivy, on the other hand, walked inside and closed the door behind her. She headed straight to the bathroom to take a shower. She stood under the warm water, closing her eyes and running her hands over herself obsessively.

Adrian was young and aggressive, and he had been persistent. And Ivy wasn't seeing anyone in particular. She had no good reason to refuse him.

Adrian's young body was like a perfectly ripe fruit, firm and supple, and ready for the taking. It was as if she returned to her youth every time they were together.

Many years ago, when she was a young girl, she held the attention of all men around her, and played with them to her heart's content. But she was not getting any younger as time continued to pass.

Her appearance hadn't changed much over the years, but Ivy knew that she no longer possessed any of the pure, unsullied charm younger women had about them. She knew it better than anyone else, as every day only took away what remained of her luster. And as if to add salt to her wounds, Clark had never shown any interest in her. She was getting older the way pearls changed its colors until it became an unsightly yellow.

Ivy smiled bitterly to herself as she turned the heat higher. The water had turned from warm to hot, and her skin flushed from the temperature. It was only at these times that Ivy felt she was young again, her skin rosy and soft. She let herself linger with the comfort of the illusion.

The taxi pulled to a stop in front of a bar. Adrian stepped out and headed inside, ordering his usual drink. The alcohol arrived quickly, and he took a long, cold swig of the amber liquid.

"Adrian! You're looking good these days!"

A man came over and gave him a small salute. For the past days, Adrian was loose with money, and now the people around were almost certain he had found a rich mistress.

"You think so? That's good to hear. When I make a lot of money, I'll definitely remember you, bro!" he beamed, feeling himself swell at the compliment.

Waving a hand to the bartender, he ordered the man another of his drink.

Prompted with alcohol, the man continued to recite flatteries which rang clear in Adrian's ears and lightened his mood. They went on until midnight and walked out the bar swaying back and forth.

Clark's watchful eyes followed the young man's every movement. His mouth curled into a smile, lips dripping with malice.

Ivy, that sly woman! No wonder Lionel left her. She was about as useful as wet matches. He remembered how she had begged for him, making big declarations about her loyalty, but it turned out that she was sleeping with another man.

If she thought she could play him for a fool, then she was dead wrong.

Clark was no Lionel.

Chapter 471 Clandestine Dealings (Part Two) 1

Chapter 471 Clandestine Dealings (Part Two) 2

Chapter 471 Clandestine Dealings (Part Two) 3


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