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A Graduation Gift novel Chapter 473

From inside the room, Amanda felt even more agitated than she already was with the conversation she could not help overhearing.

She hated that people gossiped behind her back. Why did she have to be in this situation?

In her irritation, she randomly took a vase from her bedside table and threw it violently against the door. After the loud clash, the voices outside finally ceased.

The more she thought about it, the angrier she got. Tears welled up in her eyes.

She had spent so much time preparing for the wedding just so she could paint a great image of herself in front of so many people.

She wanted to be the star of the show, to be admired and envied.

To her disappointment, Rufus and Cassandra didn't come.

It felt as if she punched something with all her might and suddenly realized that her target was made of a parcel of cotton instead of something more solid. Her effort ended up harming only herself instead of her opponent.

Images of Rufus and Cassandra flashed across her mind. As she pictured their loving gazes and sweet caresses on each other, her heart burned with inextinguishable jealousy.

Suddenly, the door to the make-up room opened. It was Clark. He immediately spotted the broken vase on the floor.

"What's this?" he inquired.

He apparently spotted the group of people who came out of Amanda's room with caution on their faces. This immediately gave him a hint that something went wrong so he took it upon himself to check on Amanda.

As he had expected, the pampered woman threw a tantrum and made a huge mess.

Wordlessly, she shot Clark a furious glare.

"Oh, are you angry? Come, show everyone that you're angry. What good is it doing you when you're just displaying your temper to no one but yourself?"

he said sarcastically.

This made Amanda even more infuriated. She took another item and smashed it on the floor. Normally, she was subdued and restrained when she was in front of Clark. At that moment though, she found herself so overwhelmed with her emotions that she almost forgot all the fear she had for the man in front of her.

Predictably, Clark saw her defiance. Her behavior made his face turn grim.

"Are you testing me?"

Clark said as he drew nearer to intimidate her. She merely glared back with wrath.

"I don't want to get married! I'm not going to marry you!" she shouted.

Suddenly, she wanted to take back her words the moment she said them. She doubted her impulsive remark. Besides, the marriage was a way to secure her safety. Was she really about to throw that away? She had given up on Rufus and allowed Cassandra to take him. Still, she kept suffering.

"I dare you say that again!"

Clark boomed. His eyes were fixed on Amanda's face now, and some cruelty leaked out from them.


Amanda shouted, stressing every word, showing her stubborn determination.

She pulled down the white veil that covered her hair. This was carefully attached and beautifully entangled with her hair. Pulling it out so suddenly made some strands of her hair come off with it, causing her a little pain.

Despite that, she kept pulling until it was completely detached and threw it on the ground so hard.

Her audacity fired Clark up. In his anger, he grabbed her arms and pulled her so close that her face was only a few inches away from his. He then looked straight into her eyes.

"Amanda, it seems that you've forgotten what you should be doing now,"

he said with such an ice cold voice that she felt herself freeze.

The intensity of Clark's fury seemed to have pulled her out of her tantrum. She suddenly realized the terror that was about to follow.

"Let… Let me go…"

Her voice trembled. With all her strength, she tried to escape from Clark's grip, but it was to no avail.

"What's the matter? Weren't you proud and firm just now? Weren't you arrogant? Why did you stop? Come on!"

Clark dared as he raised his voice. Amanda's entire body shook.

Fear crawled into her face until she was consumed with pure terror. At this sight, he smiled even more cruelly.

Brutally, he shoved Amanda to the floor. Then, he pressed against her body with his own.

The wedding dress had her back exposed. Below her was the cold floor, while on top of her was Clark.

"Since you broke your promise, I don't have to keep mine now!" he said grimly.

"Clark, I'm sorry. I'm sorry! Please don't do that to me!"

Amanda pleaded in horror. She knew what Clark could do to torture her. The mere thought of the possibilities scared her to death.

"Now, you're sorry? It's too late! I hate people who make me angry!"

Chapter 473 The Encounter At The Hospital 1

Chapter 473 The Encounter At The Hospital 2


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