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A Healer’s Journey (Finnegan and Nuthana) Novel novel Chapter 102

Chapter 102 Destruction 

Tristan was naturally not a fool, given the success he had achieved. 

He knew the only way he could go against Finnegan was by holding Bernice hostage. 

If he revealed Bernice’s location, his battle against Finnegan was as good as lost. 

“I hope you can keep enduring this!” Finnegan tightened his grip, suffocating Tristan. The latter’s countenance was turning green as his limbs flailed about in the air. 

Even still, Tristan refused to budge. “K-Kill me… i-if you d-dare…” 

The b*dyguards and members of the Chomsky family watched anxiously from afar. 

“Release my uncle immediately! Otherwise, there will be severe consequences!” 

“We are the Chomsky family! You can’t afford to offend us! Set him free right now and beg us for mercy!” 

“If you don’t let him go right now, we’ll call the police!” 

Without warning, Finnegan waved his left hand, shooting dozens of almost imperceptible needles at 


His needles hit the Chomsky family members, the b*dyguards, and even the housekeepers cowering at the corner. 

Aside from Arlo, who was curling up at the side wordlessly, everyone collapsed. 

Fear crept into Tristan’s eyes as he witnessed that scene. 

However, that also strengthened his resolve to hold onto Bernice as his last bargaining chip. “Finnegan, you… better…” 

Finnegan didn’t want to waste any more time and tightened his grip again. 

Tristan couldn’t speak, and his face had turned purple. He looked as though he would die at any moment. 

“Where’s Bernice? 

Tristan’s brain had begun to lose oxygen and he was blacking out, but he still resisted stubbornly. 

After dozens of seconds, he pa*sed out due to a lack of oxygen without revealing Bernice’s whereabouts. 

Finnegan tossed Tristan to the ground with a scowl and pressed a few spots on the latter’s b*dy with his 


The unconscious Tristan promptly opened his eyes and yelled in pain. Clearly, he was in great agony. 

His face contorted as his veins bulged unnaturally. 

“What did you do to me, Finnegan? Make it stop!” He kept hitting himself as though trying to reduce his 


Indifferently, Finnegan answered, “I merely increased your sensitivity to pain by dozens of times. Let’s see how long you can hold on.” 



“I don’t want to live anymore! I want to die!” Killian screamed in a hoarse voice on the second floor at that 


He was acting up again. 

The only voices audible at the mansion at that moment were the cries of the father and son. 

Standing outside and listening to the cries of pain, Alisha tensed up. “What did he do?” 

Finnegan lifted his chin and strode into the mansion. “Looks like I need to spice things up a bit.” 

Tristan immediately threatened, “You’re dead if you dare touch Killi, Finnegan!” 

A moment later, he resumed shrieking in pain. 

Finnegan soon arrived on the second floor. 

Enduring his pain, Killian roared at Finegan, who was approaching his bed, “Kill me, Finnegan!” 

Finnegan picked Killian up by the throat and walked toward the balcony. 

Killian looked down and panicked. “What are you doing?” 

Tristan lifted his head and grew even more anxious. “Stop, Finnegan!” 

Finnegan released his hand without hesitation. “Both of you are together now!” 

Killian was dropped to the ground from the second floor and he broke his leg again. He curled up and was in so much pain that he couldn’t make a sound. 

“Finnegan!” Tristan was in a rage. 

Finnegan leaped down from the balcony, arrived next to Killian, and tapped a few spots on the latter’s b*dy, too. 

Instantly, Killian shrieked even louder than before. Due to his hoarse voice, he sounded more like ani animal on the brink of death. 

“You may be able to endure the intensified pain, but how about Killian?” 

Gritting his teeth, Tristan roared, “Bernice is indeed in my hands, but you’ll never get anything from me! Either you submit or Bernice dies with us tonight!” 

Finnegan spat coldly, “Is that what you want?” 

“Kill us if you dare, Finnegan!” Tristan’s eyes reddened 

At that point. Finnegan realized that unless he surrendered, Tristan would carry Bernice’s location to his 


A murderous intent flashed past his eyes “You’re a stubborn man, Tristan In that case, the destruction of the Chomsky family begins now!” 

He shot out two needles at Tristan and Killian with his right hand, ending their agony 

Tristan exhaled in relief as his b*dy began to relax 


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