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A Healer’s Journey (Finnegan and Nuthana) Novel novel Chapter 105

Chapter 105 Taking Me For A Fool 

We couldn’t even defeat Finnegan with dozens of men back then. Now, I’m all alone, and one of my arms is injured. I can’t fight him! Rocky’s first thought was to flee. 

Finnegan’s gaze turned frigid, and he jumped down from the third floor. 

He descended to the ground at high speed and caused a booming sound when he landed steadily on the ground. Even so, he was completely unscathed. 

Rocky’s expression changed dramatically when he saw that. He jumped from at least ten meters above! How is he still in one piece? 

Without wasting a second to think, Rocky turned around once again. 

However, the moment he did that, Finnegan dashed forward and blocked him. 

“Did I say you could leave?” Finnegan asked. 

Knowing there was no way he could escape, Rocky thundered, “I’ll fight you to the end!” 

With that, he sent his left fist toward Finnegan. 

Finnegan countered that punch by dashing toward Rocky and kicking the latter with his right leg. 



Rocky’s injured right arm broke on the spot, and he was sent crashing into the wall. Upon impact, the wall 


When Rocky dropped to the ground, he felt as though all the bones in his b*dy had broken, and he was in so much pain that he was sweating bullets. 

However, he gritted his teeth and forced himself to stand up. “Finnegan, I—” 

Before Rocky could finish his sentence, Finnegan kicked him once more. 

Rocky spewed out a mouthful of blood and flew backward into the cracked wall once more. The wall crumbled, and one of the bricks dropped on his nose, breaking it in the process. 

No longer able to handle the pain, Rocky howled in agony. 

Finnegan walked up to Rocky coldly and stomped on the latter’s b*dy. “Did I say you could make such a loud noise?” Finnegan asked. We’re only hundreds of meters away. Things could get ugly if Romona and the other police officers come over. 

Rocky’s eyes were bulging because Finnegan had just broken two of his ribs with that stomp. 

At that moment, Rocky was starting to have trouble breathing. 

“Finnegan… I dare you to kill me! If you don’t kill me, I’ll surely come after you and your entire family!” Rocky fumed. 

Still with his foot on Rocky’s b*dy, Finnegan bent forward. With a cold stare, he said, “Don’t worry. I’ll 


never show mercy to someone who wants to kill my family! However, I want you to answer my question. If I’m happy with your answer, I’ll let you die a quick death. If I’m not happy, I’ll torture you and make you beg for death!” 

Rocky’s face was covered in blood when he roared ferociously, “I won’t tell you anything! Go ahead and 

kill me!” 

Finnegan ignored those words and went on to ask, “Apart from Tristan, is Tyrone also involved in tonight’s plan?” 

As it turned out, that was why Finnegan had Reynard instruct Phoenix Team to let Rocky escape. 

A hint of panic flashed across Rocky’s eyes. Afterward, he thundered, “This has nothing to do with Mr. Calandrino! I’m the one avenging my brother! You’re the reason Mr. Calandrino killed him! If you dare to sow discord between Mr. Calandrino and the Wahlstrom family, I’ll haunt you even after I die!” 

Rocky denied it, but Finnegan had already gotten the answer he wanted. 

“Very well. Thank you for confirming my suspicion. After this, I’ll pay Tyrone a visit,” Finnegan uttered. 

“Don’t slander Mr. Calandrino, Finnegan!” 

“Slander?” Finnegan sneered. “Are you saying he killed your brother and didn’t care if you would take revenge? Heck, he even gave you fifty million! Now, why would you protect and respect a man who killed your brother? You’re even addressing him as Mr. Calandrino! Do you take me for a fool?” 

Finnegan paused and smirked. “Nevertheless, I need to thank you. Thank you for not telling Tristan about my relationship with the Wahlstrom family. Otherwise, he would’ve backed down, and I’d have to keep looking over my shoulder and be on guard against him!” 

Looking terrified, Rocky said, “You-” 


Finnegan sent a kick toward Rocky’s heart before the latter had the chance to finish his sentence. 

Blood gushed out of Rocky’s nose and mouth, and he died with his eyes wide open. 

Finnegan turned around calmly and saw Alisha walking toward him. 

Alisha glanced at Rocky’s corpse and said, “Fifteen minutes ago, Tristan jumped off the seventeenth floor of Tristan Group with Killian in his arms. The Chomsky family is done for!” 

Hearing that, Finnegan lifted his head to look at the night sky. “The Chomsky family forced me to flee. leaving my dad paralyzed for five years. Yet, I had just given them an easy way out. Isn’t that too light of a punishment?” 

Alisha’s l*ps twitched slightly. I know the Chomsky family had given your family hell, but at least you and your family are still alive! On the other hand, the Chomsky family is practically wiped out! 

Obviously, Alisha wouldn’t dare to say those words out loud Hence, she replied. “I wonder why Rocky didn’t tell Tristan about your relationship with the Wahlstrom family If Tristan knew about it, he would’ve been more prepared, and they would’ve had a higher chance of succeeding 

Tristan only knew about it when Alisha showed up. 


Finnegan walked past Alisha and said, “If Rocky had told Tristan about it, Tristan would have endured the humiliation and begged me for mercy. If that had happened, wouldn’t Rocky lose his partner in crime?” 

Realization dawned on Alisha, and she nodded. “I see!” 

“By the way, please contact Tyrone. I want to give him a chance to ask me out for supper.” Five meters away, Finnegan swung his right hand like a long knife. 

Alisha stiffened as a nervous expression took over her countenance. 

After Finnegan walked away, Alisha whipped out her phone and called Theoden. “Grandpa, Tyrone might’ve offended Mr. Larkin.” 


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