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A Healer’s Journey (Finnegan and Nuthana) Novel novel Chapter 111

Chapter 111 On Purpose 

Under normal circumstances, Finnegan could’ve dodged that slap. 

However, he never put his guard up against his family, resulting in Desmond’s slap hitting him squarely in the face. 

A palm print soon appeared on his cheek, and blood spurted out his nostrils. 

Desmond’s expression changed drastically. 

He was mad at Finnegan for the latter’s ruthlessness but only intended to slap his son once. Unexpectedly, he exerted too much force. 

All the colors drained from Quiana’s face. “Desmond? Why did you hit him so hard?” 

She shared her husband’s anger, but at that moment, the sight of Finnegan suffering a nosebleed from getting slapped still caused her heart to ache. 

Desmond gritted his teeth in silence. After striking his son, he felt too ashamed to speak what he initially had in mind. 

“You did good! A b*stard like him should be taught a lesson in this manner!” 

“He’s a wretch who wouldn’t even help his relatives. He deserves to be beaten to death! He’s just a waste of space staying alive anyway.” 

“Desmond, carry on. Hit him until he’s willing to treat Xavier and the others!” 

Adrian and his party cheered on. 

At that instant, Desmond, overwhelmed by guilt, pretended not to listen. He didn’t even dare to meet Finnegan’s eyes, which were filled with agony and disappointment. 

Alexander regained his senses and hurriedly handed Finnegan a tissue. “Mr. Larkin.” 

Finnegan received the tissue and flashed a bleak smile. “Mom, Dad, you should go back on your own. I have some matters to attend to.” 

Suppressing his discomfort, Finnegan wiped his nose clean and turned around indifferently. 

Raymond immediately stood in his way. “Finnegan, today–” 

Brimming with rage, Finnegan roared, “Get lost!” 

His oppressive aura burst forth, overwhelming Raymond and his party, 


Their bodies instantly stiffened, and they hastily stepped aside, breaking out in a cold sweat with chills running down their spines. 

They didn’t even dare to utter another word. 

Grimacing, Finnegan strode past them. This time, neither Desmond and Quiana nor Raymond and the others tried to stop him. 

Alexander sighed before treading on Finnegan’s heels, feeling a little sympathetic toward the latter. 

Following Finnegan’s departure, Raymond and the others finally felt significantly relieved. 

Then, Qahira grasped Quiana’s hand. “What did you promise us? You said you’d make Finnegan treat Xavier and the others today! What are you going to do now? Also, you better return us our money. Otherwise, we won’t consider you relatives anymore!” 

Now that Finnegan had left, Melinda chimed in, “That’s right. You two gave us your word that Finnegan would step up, but you failed to realize your promise. You need to take full responsibility!” 

Desmond and Quiana were relatively soft-hearted people. Faced with Qahira and Melinda’s aggressiveness, they were at a loss for words. 

As a result, they could only repeatedly apologize as if they were indeed in the wrong. 

“Mr. Larkin, are you all right?” Alexander escorted Finnegan to the entrance of the hospital. 

After making sure his nosebleed had stopped, Finnegan tossed the tissue into the trash can. “I’m fine. You can go on with your work, Dr. Cooper.” 

Alexander hesitated before uttering, “Mr. Larkin, I don’t know what the rift is between you and your relatives, but it seems to me your parents are very family-oriented. I think…” 

He didn’t finish his sentence, trusting Finnegan would understand. 

Finnegan ambled forward. “I can’t control my parents’ thoughts, but I won’t always heed them either. I’m not that magnanimous and kind!” 

He would never do something as saintlike as reciprocating enmity with kindness. 

Holding himself back from retaliating against Raymond and the others was already a display of his utmost restraint. 

Alexander sighed. Being slightly familiar with Finnegan’s character, he fathomed the latter despised evil, even if those people acting despicably were his family. 


After leaving the hospital, Finnegan wandered the streets to clear his mind. 

Since he didn’t need to drop Desmond and Quiana back home, he planned to visit Lindsey and give treatment to her first. 

Following the address sent by Rhiannon, he arrived at Lindsey’s house and rang the doorbell. 

He waited for several minutes before Lindsey finally answered the door. 

Patience running thin, Finnegan said, “Ms. Lindsey, what took you-” 

He was about to question why she was so slow to open the door when he suddenly noticed something unusual about her. 

Lindsey, who was typically dressed in professional attire, was now clad in a thin nightgown. Under the lights, her perfect figure was clearly visible to Finnegan. What’s going on? Why is she wearing just a nightgown? Isn’t she afraid of a wardrobe malfunction? 

Lindsey couldn’t help but blush as she noticed the look on Finnegan’s face. She feigned nonchalance and said, “Weren’t you supposed to come in the afternoon?” 

Finnegan discreetly gulped to relieve the dryness in his throat. “I finished my work early, so I 

came over.” 

“Oh. Come in, then.” 

Pretending not to be aware of her revealing attire, Lindsey turned around and invited Finnegan into her house. 

As Finnegan trailed behind her and watched her alluring figure, he felt increasingly ill at ease. She knew I was coming, yet she still dressed like this? Is she doing this on purpose? 

He hastily recited a mantra inwardly to divert his attention. 

“Where’s Rhia?” 

Rhiannon had been staying there for the past few days, but at that moment, she was nowhere 

to be seen. 

Lindsey replied, “She received a call from Ms. Haimowitz after contacting you in the morning. After that, she went with Ms. Haimowitz to meet a client. Anyway, it’s better that she’s not here since you’ll be treating me.” 

As she recalled the intimate interaction involved during the treatment session, Lindsey’s face reddened slightly. 

“You’re right. Where should we do the treatment?” 



“Let’s do it in my room.” 

Finnegan followed Lindsey to her room and noticed the clothes she had obviously just changed out of, including her undergarments. 


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