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A Healer’s Journey (Finnegan and Nuthana) Novel novel Chapter 126

Chapter 126 I Am Mad 

“Why did you hug me?” Cindy expressed her dismay when Finnegan and Bernice accompanied her 15 to her house. 

Cindy could not shake off the memory of Finnegan hugging her waist. 

In her twenty-nine years of life, no man had ever done that to her before. 

“I held 

you close to get you out of there,” Finnegan explained with a playful glint in his eyes. “But you the one who held on so tightly that I couldn’t even push you away. 

A blush crept up Ci 

s cheeks. 

She had instinctiv leaned into Finnegan’s embrace, taking him as a source of security. 

As she recalled the incident, a blend of embarrassment and indignation washed over her. “Don’t distort the truth! You were the one who hugged me and touched me!” 

Finnegan’s l*ps twitched. “You’re the one who should stop distorting the truth. My darling 


re, min?! 

He had indeed held Cindy close and even playfully pinched her, but he had not anticipated Cindy being so upfront about it. 

Bernice shot daggers at Finnegan surreptitiously before comforting Cindy. “Cin, Finnegan did that for a reason. Don’t be mad at him.” 

“He just took advantage of me,” Cindy huffed, but her tone was noticeably less stern. “And he was so evil. He even set Mr. Sable up before leaving, showing no ounce of respect,” 

It was evident the Liam had not summoned Alisha. After all, if he truly knew her, he would not have left the restaurant in such a humiliating manner. 

Fueled by anger, Solomon would direct his frustration at Liam regardless of the truth. 

Finnego uckled. “Looks like you’re not just a pretty face.” Feeling Cindy’s increasing nger, Finnegan quicklifted the conversation. “And as for respect… he can’t stop thinking about Betrice. Why should I show in any respect? If you weren’t Bernice’s best friend. I wouldn’t even pay attention to you.” 

Trying to defuse the tension between Finnegan and Cindy, Bernice immediately interjected, “Finnegan, why don’t you go ahead and wait for me? I want to have a word with Cin.” 

Finnegan wanted to avoid further conflict with Cindy, so he just shrugged and walked forward 

“Cin, did you see the difference between Finnegand Liam tonight?” Bernic asked, holding Cindy hand. 

Cindy managed a bitter smile. “But Liam is practically helpless in that situation. Deep down, he probably wanted to protect us too.” 

Having held Larn in high regard for years, she was hesitant to let bas image shatter in her mind 

After letting out a soft sigh, Bernice continued, “Cin, being helpless isn’t a valid reason or excuse. Claiming to save the attitude to protect someone doesn’t mean much if there’s no action behind it. When it really mattered, Liam remained silent. It was Finnegan who stepped up.” 

Cindy was stunned for a moment as realization dawned on her that instant. 

Glancing at her, Bernice went on, “A man who only weighs the pros and cons of the situation to save himself, versus a man who stands before you regardless of danger. Cin, who would you side with?” 

Cindy’s b*dy quivered. “Bernie…” 

“We’re besties, and I know you have my best interest in mind,” Bernice said with a gentle smile. “But don’t need a man who abandon me in difficult times. What’s more important to me is a man w 

sense of security regardless of his capabilities. So from now on, I hope lie man I’ve chosen is Finnegan!” Bernice gently patted the back of Cindy hand before walking up to Funegan. “Let’s go back and rest.” 

protect me and give n 

stop defending Liam 

Watching Bernice and Finnegan walk away while holding hands, Cindy muttered, “Is this all shful thinking on my part? Am I wrong about everything?” 

While the couple was on their way back, Bernice said, “Finnegan, I don’t feel like going tonight” 

Finnegan, who was deep in thought, was momentarily taken aback. “Then where do you want to go?” 

Bernice rolled her eyes at him, then pulled her hand away from his and hurried forward. “I want to spend a night with you at a hotel!” 

“Spend a night with me at a hotel?” Finnegan was still somewhat dazed. “Darling, are you lusting after my b*dy?” 


Finnegan had thought Bernice was joking, but her actions quickly showed him that she was serious. 

Bernice tugged Finnegan along, found a hotel, and booked a suite designed for couples. 

“I’ll go take shower,” she said as soon as they stepped into the room and entered the bathroom, her cheeks flu 


Adam’s apple bobbed as he mumbled to himself, “Is she being serious? But I don’t have much exper ace! How long should foreplay be, and how long should the session last?” 

Right then, the ringing of his phone abruptly interrupted his thoughts. Talk about bad timing! 

After grumbling inwardly for a few seconds, Finnegan held the phone to his ear. 

“Finnegan!” Liam’s voice rang out. He sounded livid. 

Finnegan paused for a moment and then smiled. “Oh, Mr. Sable!” 

He moved away from the bathroom, lest Bernice hear their conversation. “You sound like you’ve got a lot of energy. It seems Mr. Zymons didn’t do anything to you, huh?” 

Lian, who had just received treatment at a hospital athliated with the Sable fami 

sponded coldly, “m 



“What has that got to do with me?” Finnegan smirked. What a clown. 

“Finnegan, enough with the games,” Liam bellowed. “I’m offering you an opportunity-delive formula by tomorrow, kneel before me, and I’ll overlook the things you’ve done. Otherwise, be prepared. for your worst nightmare. And I don’t care where you got the information you shared with Cindy. You’d better watch your mouth, or you won’t be the only one in trouble!” 


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