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A Healer’s Journey (Finnegan and Nuthana) Novel novel Chapter 156

Chapter 156 They Are Dead 

As the night grew darker, silence enveloped the surroundings. 

Inside the luxurious private hospital where Vilmar and his group were staying. 

“Mr. Vilmar, Matthias, what are your intentions? Let me go!” 

“Ariendel, I am just as clueless as you are. Please, give it to me quickly.” 

“No, no!” 

Suddenly, from a VIP ward, Ariendel’s terrified screams echoed, accompanied by the harsh shouts of Vilmar and Matthias, shattering the tranquility of the entire hospital. 

The attending doctor, as well as the patients and their accompanying family members, were all alarmed. 

The hospital staff hurriedly made their way towards the VIP ward. 

Upon inspection, they discovered that the door was locked from the inside. 

The attending doctor forcefully knocked on the door. “Excuse me, could you please open the door?” 

Inside the ward, apart from Ariendel’s horrified screams, there was no other response. 

“It appears that something has gone terribly wrong. Security, break down the door immediately.” 

Two security guards swiftly rushed over and kicked open the door to the ward, only to be met with a sight too horrifying to bear. 

Vilmar and Matthias had pinned down Ariendel like hungry wolves, ravaging her. 

Ariendel cried out pitifully, “Save me, save me!” 


Who could have anticipated such a horrific event? The attending doctor felt a chill run down his spine and urgently called for the security guards to separate the trio. 

However, when the security guards approached, Vilmar and Matthias acted like madmen. 

Matthias turned around and charged at one of the security guards. “Get lost, or I’ll kill all of you!” 

Vilmar, fueled with even more energy, leaped into a flying kick towards a security guard. “Get out! Don’t ruin my fun!” 

Knowing that the two men were no ordinary individuals, the security guards did not dare to act recklessly. All they could do was step back and dodge the attacks. 

Nevertheless, Vilmar and Matthias paid no attention. They even picked up chairs to throw, shouting. “Get 


The security guards quickly retreated from the room. “Dr. Hoffman, what should we do?” 


Dr. Hoffman was also exasperated. “D*mn it, if I had known this would happen, I wouldn’t have switched shifts tonight. I should have let Neville handle the shift himself.” 

If an incident occurred during the shift, the attending doctor would be held responsible. 

At best, a fine would be imposed; at worst, termination would be the 


But regretting it now was futile. Dr. Hoffman bellowed, “Get more people and separate them first! We cannot allow them to continue harming that woman. Then, call and inform the officers on duty at the guardhouse. We cannot handle this situation on our own!” 

More security guards rushed over, joining those who had been thrown out earlier, forming a group of approximately ten people. 

However, Vilmar and Matthias moved as if they were not injured at all. 

Not only were they in a frenzied state, but they also possessed immense strength. 

On average, four security guards were unable to subdue even one of them. Instead, the security guards were all knocked to the ground by the two men. 

Then, the duo lunged towards Ariendel once again, as if she were a celestial being of unparalleled beauty. 

By this point, Ariendel, who had endured torment for a prolonged period, had a hoarse voice. “No, please don’t do this to me!” 

Everyone outside the door couldn’t help but feel sympathy for Ariendel when they witnessed this scene. 

Experiencing such a traumatic event in public was sure to scar the poor woman for life. 

Dr. Hoffman snapped, “You cannot even handle two injured individuals? How utterly useless are you all?” 

“Dr. Hoffman, are you certain they are injured? Considering their immense strength, they seem perfectly fine to me!” 

“I felt like my bones shifted after being punched by one of them.” 

“Let’s leave it to the police. I am not risking my life for a mere three to four thousand salary!” 

All the security guards retreated, not daring to approach any further for fear of being killed if they were not careful. 

Shortly after, the four police officers on duty at the outpost outside the hospital arrived. 

Upon witnessing the situation in the VIP ward, all four of them were furious. “Committing a crime in public? How utterly lawless!” 

They charged in directly to apprehend Vilmar and Matthias. 

It seemed as though the two men had lost their sanity as they turned around to attack the four police officers. 

Matthias knocked one of them to the ground with a punch, then pinned him down and continued to strike. 



Vilmar, on the other hand, wrapped his arms around another officer, sinking his teeth into the latter’s neck. 

Blood began to seep out. 

The force behind his bite was as if he wanted to rip out the policeman’s windpipe. 

The young officer, who had never faced such a situation before, asked with a pale face, “Wayne, what should we do?” 

The older team leader, Wayne, attempted to pull Vilmar away, but he was unable to budge him at all. 

Witnessing his comrade on the verge of being bitten to death, Wayne gritted his teeth. “D*mn it!” 

He swiftly drew his gun. “Stop right now, or I will shoot!” 

However, Vilmar and Matthias had no intention of stopping. They continued to be as bloodthirsty and ferocious as wild beasts. 

After a moment of internal struggle, Wayne steeled himself and took direct action. 

With a loud bang, the bullet entered through Vilmar’s left temple and exited through the right. 

Only then did Vilmar’s jaw loosen, his eyes wide open as he collapsed to the ground. 

As death approached, clarity returned to his mind, sparking a thought. 

I shouldn’t have provoked Finnegan! 

Observing that Matthias did not cease his assault even after Wayne fired his gun, Wayne shot again, incapacitating Matthias as well. 

“Inform the station that a serious assault has occurred at Serenity Hospital. I had no choice but to neutralize the two assailants. The hospital will immediately assist with the investigation, sealing all relevant surveillance. Everyone not involved, return to your posts or wards and cooperate with the investigation when required!” 

Fifteen minutes later, Romona, who was in charge of the night shift, arrived with her team. 


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