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A Healer’s Journey (Finnegan and Nuthana) Novel novel Chapter 182

Chapter 182 Three Possibilities 

The master and his disciple were enjoying their wine and conversation as if they had returned to that first year when they secluded themselves in the mountains. 

As midnight approached and the master and his apprentice were about to wrap up, Nathan, Stephen, Zachary, and Romona walked in, all of them wearing somewhat solemn expressions. 

Clearly, something had gone wrong. 

Sawyer put down his wine glass and stretched lazily as he stood up. “I’m getting old and can’t stay up late. I’m going to rest now. Don’t bother seeing me off tomorrow!” 

He then turned to Finnegan and said, “Young man, live well. Don’t make the older generation outlive the younger generation.” 

“Take care, Sir!” 

Zachary and Nathan courteously watched as Sawyer departed. 

“He’s gone again!” Finnegan yawned as he got up. “I’m going to rest too. When I wake up tomorrow, it’ll be just the right time to give Ms. Wright her treatment,” 

Romona snorted. “You’re still in the mood to sleep? There’s been a big problem!” 

Finnegan had noticed it the moment they walked in, but he wasn’t interested in knowing what had happened. “It must have nothing to do with me. Why can’t I sleep?” 

If it had anything to do with him, they would have mentioned it in front of Sawyer when they came in. 

Romona snorted. “Bestard! Indeed, it doesn’t concern you much. It’s just that the Zymons family can retaliate against you at any time now!” 

Huh? Finnegan was taken aback and asked, “They can retaliate against me at any time? Can the Zymons family still retaliate against me?” 

As per the agreement, the Zymons family would soon hand everything over to the Wahlstrom family. 

And for the Zymons family, who had lost everything, Finnegan didn’t feel they were in any position to seck revenge against him. 

Zachary sighed. “You guys talk to Finnegan. I’m going to have a chat with Nathan.” 

Seeing the helpless expressions on the two elderly people’s faces, Finnegan, who was initially uninterested, suddenly became intrigued. “What happened?” 

Romona snorted and asked, “I thought you weren’t interested?” 

Seeing her in such a huff, Finnegan turned to ask Stephen, “What’s wrong?” 

Stephen replied with a bitter smile, “While you were drinking with the old man earlier, Elsa and her group, who were preparing to return to Gablurg, were attacked. Over a hundred of them were killed. Elsa 

is seriously injured, and Solomon has tragically died! Seth flew into a rage, swearing to annihilate the 



Wahlstrom family. For this, the agreement was torn up, the reason being that if the Zymons family were to hand over everything, they might not leave a single thing behind. Furthermore, he also seeks to avenge Solomon and the fallen elites of the Zymons family, declaring war on the Wahlstrom family!” 

At this point, Stephen sighed and said, “Hank from Durbaine took advantage of the situatio out, condemning the Wahlstrom family for their ruthless actions, leaving no room for other can be said that last night’s duel has been in vain!” 

Romona took over the conversation with a stern face. “Morcover, they are using respect for the o excuse to suppress all factors that are unfavorable to them, and even boldly declaring war on the Wahlstrom family. Nuthana and Gablurg are about to descend into chaos!” 

Upon hearing this, Finnegan furrowed his brow, falling into deep thought. 

Romona demanded, “Speak up. Who do you think attacked Elsa and her group?” 

Finnegan smirked. “Isn’t it obvious?” 

“Obvious? How is it obvious?” 

Finnegan then walked past Romona while softly calling her dim. 

As she was about to get angry, he casually waved his hand and said, “There are only three possibilities. Framing someone, sacrificing something of lesser importance to preserve something crucial, and taking a drastic measure. As for the Wahlstrom family, they’ve already won. There’s no need to go overboard. But it’s not like Solomon just vanished into thin air. It has nothing to do with me. Let the Wahlstrom family, who’s been made the scapegoat, deal with the headache!” 

Romona demanded, “What do you mean by that? Come back and explain yourself!” 

However, Finnegan acted like he didn’t hear a thing and left whistling. 

“Romona, stop chasing.” 

Zachary and Nathan, who suggested going back to the room for a chat, came out and stopped Romona from chasing after Finnegan. 

Romona turned around and said, “Finnegan is a jerk, always leaving his sentences unfinished!” 

With a meaningful expression, Zachary said, “In fact, Finnegan has already made it very clear. It’s just that you haven’t grasped it yet.” 

Romona frowned. “How is that clear?” 

Stephen, who was standing nearby, was also curious, but he chose not to ask. 

Zachary nodded, his hands clasped behind his back as he gazed into the distance. “It’s all clear now. But at this point, pursuing the truth has no meaning. As long as the person didn’t die at the hands of Finnegan, there’s no problem!” 

“Grandpa, but-” 

Zachary waved his hand to interrupt her. “Go rest. Also, remember what I’ve told you. Don’t be so carefree all the time. A girl should still maintain some semblance of femininity.” 


Romona’s face turned red when she heard that. “I’m not going to listen to you.” 

With that, she turned around and walked out. 

Stephen greeted the two elders and then took his leave. 

Once the two had left, Nathan sighed. “If Romona and Stephen can’t see through the essence of it, but Finnegan can see through it all at a glance, it seems the old man was right. Finnegan, this young man, will be quite formidable in the future! I’m just wondering if it is a case of sacrificing something of lesser importance to preserve something crucial, or is it more like taking a drastic measure?” 

Zachary chuckled. “Taking a drastic measure is fine, but if it’s the other one, that would be bad.” 

Nathan sighed. “But no matter which kind, that brat from the Weatherby family is undoubtedly the main instigator. I just hope he doesn’t go off course again!” 

Meanwhile, in the courtyard where Doom Star was recuperating, Finnegan had just called Alisha to ask her to handle an unexpected situation when Romona arrived with a tense expression. “Spit it out,” she demanded. “What were those three possibilities you mentioned earlier? And don’t confuse me with idioms!” 

He didn’t expect Romona to be so persistent. 

Finnegan squinted his eyes and stared at her. 

Romona raised her hands to cover her chest and shouted, “What are you looking at?” 

“It’s not like I haven’t seen them before.” Finnegan rolled his eyes and looked away. “I just figured all your nutrients must have gone to your chest growth, not your brain. You can’t even figure out such a simple and obvious issue!” 

Romona was so angry that her delicate b*dy trembled 


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