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A Healer’s Journey (Finnegan and Nuthana) Novel novel Chapter 187

Chapter 187 The Ferocious Little Tyrant 

In Dragon Bay No. 1 Villa. Yuvan was lawless and unrestrained. 

Arriving with eight b*dyguards, they injured the secret guards stationed by the Langdon and families. Following that, they gave Desmond and Quiana a beating and hung them up on a tree. 

Even the housekeepers in the mansion were all beaten by him. 

He didn’t seem like a seventeen or eighteen-year-old boy at all. 

The level of heartlessness he showed was absolutely infuriating. 

Even when Mandy brought people over, he wouldn’t care. Not only did he rely on his status to beat up the Langdon family’s b*dyguards, but he also directly slapped Mandy twice, hard. 

However, Mandy dared not show her anger. While trying to keep her tone calm, she said, “Sir, if you have any issues, you can take them up with Finnegan. Please, let his parents go.” 

She didn’t know who Yuvan was. She only knew his eight b*dyguards were from a certain department in Durbaine. 

Fully aware that the Langdon family was nothing to be afraid of, Yuvan wanted to speak but couldn’t find 

the words. 

With no other choice, he stepped forward and slapped Mandy again. His youthful face was filled with ferocity, clearly signaling Mandy to shut up. 

Mandy clenched her teeth tightly, her hands slightly clenched. 

However, there was nothing that could be done, so for the time being, she had no choice but to keep her mouth shut. 

“Mr. Lowe.” A b*dyguard walked over after answering a phone call. “Ms. Snape called. She urged you to leave Dragon Bay No. 1 Villa immediately. She said Finnegan is coming back.” 

However, Yuvan paid no heed, even picking up a decorative cobblestone from the garden and hurling it toward Quiana on the tree. 

With a loud crack, Quiana’s head was shattered. 

Quiana, who had previously fainted, woke up in pain. 

Finding herself suspended; her face pale with panic, she exclaimed, “Who exactly are you people? What on earth do you want to do?” 

Her b*dy was visibly shaking, tears streaming down her face. 

At that very moment, it reminded her of the scene five years ago when Killian and his men stormed into the Larkin residence. 

At that time, they were powerless and subject to the control of others. 


Yuvan couldn’t speak, so he picked up another cobblestone and hurled it at Quiana’s head. 

This time around, Quiana was knocked unconscious. 

Mandy shouted, “Stop it right now!” 

She also quickly stepped forward. 

However, Yuvan’s b*dyguards directly blocked her way. 

The b*dyguard holding the mobile phone said in a deep voice, “Mr. Lowe, you should answer this call. Ms. Snape sounds quite anxious.” 

Yuvan turned around, slapped the b*dyguard across the face, snatched the phone from his hand, and smashed it on the ground. 

Clearly, he didn’t want to listen to anyone. He just wanted to force Finnegan to treat his disability. 

Just as one phone got smashed, another b*dyguard’s phone rang. It was also a call from Yasmine. 

After answering, the b*dyguard switched to speakerphone. 

Yasmine’s voice rang out immediately. “Yuvan, I don’t care what you want to do now, but you must leave Dragon Bay No. 1 Villa before Finnegan returns. Otherwise, you’ll end up like Vilmar or Solomon. That madman Finnegan doesn’t care about your status!” 

Yuvan acted as if he hadn’t heard a thing and went on to prepare to continue throwing stones at Desmond and Quiana. 

Yasmine, who received no response, ordered, “Stop worrying about Little Tyrant! Just take him away by force. Hurry!” 

Those eight b*dyguards were soldiers from a certain department in Durbaine. 

They were somewhat disapproving of Yuvan’s actions, but given his status, they had no choice but to follow and protect him. 

At that moment, when Yasmine gave the order, the eight people no longer hesitated. 

Just as Yuvan was about to hurl another stone, two b*dyguards swiftly stepped forward, lifting him off the ground by his arms. 

Yuvan struggled with anger, but it was all in vain. 

The lead b*dyguard said in a deep voice, “Let’s go!” 

Right then, Alisha, who drove her car like a madwoman from a distance, had already blocked the entrance to the garden. 

With a bang, Finnegan kicked the car door open and stepped out. 

His face was as dark as ink, radiating a murderous aura that seemed to pierce the sky. 

When he saw his parents hanging from the tree, his eyes turned red. 



Unable to suppress the anger within, he let out a roar of fury, and it sent shivers down everyone’s spine. 

Doom Star followed closely behind, his face equally grim. 

Finnegan halted his furious roar. Step by step, he walked into the garden. 

On the ground, distinct footprints were left behind, as if trampled by a weight of a thousand pounds. 

Alisha’s face lit up with joy, and she hurried over. “Finnegan!” 

Yet Finnegan chose to ignore Alisha, steadily advancing forward step by step. 

The eight b*dyguards instantly became alert and released Yuvan. 

However, Yuvan had yet to realize that something huge had happened. 

With a swift hand and keen eye, just like the night he snatched Romona’s gun, he quickly seized the firearm from a b*dyguard’s waist. He then pointed it at Finnegan, his mouth moving incessantly. 

Yet, not a single sound could be made. 

The b*dyguard, whose gun had been taken away, rushed forward anxiously. “Mr. Lowe, please return my gun immediately.” 


Yuvan aimed his gun right at the b*dyguard’s feet, his eyes fierce and intimidating. 

The b*dyguards knew that Yuvan could be quite lawless at times, so they subtly stepped back. 

Yuvan then pointed directly at Finnegan, his mouth wide open, clearly asking Finnegan to stand still. 

Finnegan didn’t pause for a single step, the ominous aura around him growing increasingly turbulent. 

A flash of ruthlessness flickered in his eyes as Yuvan adjusted his gun, aiming it at Finnegan’s right thigh. 

But just as Yuvan was about to pull the trigger, Finnegan’s speed suddenly increased, like a bolt of lightning covering a distance of more than ten meters, and he was standing right in front of Yuvan. 

Lifting his right leg, he delivered a powerful kick to Yuvan’s chest, not caring that he was just a seventeen or eighteen-year-old boy. 


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