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A Healer’s Journey (Finnegan and Nuthana) Novel novel Chapter 195

Chapter 195 You Really Misunderstood 

Finnegan escorted Lindsey home. 

No sooner had they stepped through the door than Lindsey, in his arms, vomited again. The pungent smell of alcohol not only covered her but also splashed all over Finnegan. 

The smell hit him so hard that Finnegan couldn’t help but retch. 

“Do women always lose their dignity like this when they’re drunk?” With a sigh, Finnegan gently placed Lindsey on the ground. 

Then, he headed into the bathroom to clean up, washing his clothes and pants as well. When he returned, Lindsey had vomited all over herself again, looking utterly disheveled. 

Finnegan was considering changing her clothes and giving her a bath. 

However, when he got close, he hesitated, thinking it might be inappropriate. 

Lindsey’s b*dy held no secrets for him. He had seen it all, the parts he should and shouldn’t have. Knowing that Lindsey liked him, Finnegan felt it necessary to keep some distance between them. However, just then, Lindsey started vomiting again, looking utterly disheveled. 

I definitely can’t let her continue like this. Finnegan exhaled. “Never mind. I’ll just leave the evidence.” 

Finnegan took out his phone and started recording. Then, he carried Lindsey into the bathroom to clean her up. After that, he carried her out and laid her on the bed. 

He took out the golden needles again, and in a flash, jabbed them into her b*dy. 

Most of the alcohol Lindsey had consumed was already absorbed. At that moment, the best thing to do was to ensure she wouldn’t wake up with a hangover the next morning. 

After finishing, Finnegan pulled the blanket over her. Only then did he feel a sigh of relief. “I almost couldn’t hold back!” 

With a sigh, Finnegan walked to the window and dialed Alisha’s number. “You should go home first. I won’t be able to leave tonight.” My clothes and pants are covered in vomit, and I guess they won’t be dry until tomorrow morning after washing. 

Alisha was feeling a bit miffed. “You jerk. My figure is better than hers. How shameless of you to choose her over me. Is it because she’s more fun when she’s drunk? I can do that for you, too!” 

The edge of Finnegan’s mouth twitched fiercely. “D*mn it, what’s with the lewd words? Hurry up and go back to rest!” 

After saying that, Finnegan hung up the phone. “This vixen’s words are too provocative!” 

The following morning, sunlight streamed through the window, landing squarely on Lindsey’s face. 



Chapter 139 founy M 

In her slumber, she slowly opened her eyes, yet she seemed somewhat bewildered. How did I end up at home? 

All she could recall was that she had gone to the bar last night, feeling heartbroken, and had drunk a lot. However, everything that happened afterward was a complete blur to her. 

Then, she felt something. 

Lindsey abruptly sat up and pulled back the blanket, only to find herself completely n*ked. 

Suddenly, her mind was filled with a deafening roar, leaving her completely stunned. Did someone take advantage of me last night because I drank too much? I even brought them home? 

Her tears welled up in an instant and fell uncontrollably. 

For many years, she had remained chaste, intending to save herself for her future husband. She never considered being reckless. 

At that moment, a refreshing aroma wafted in from outside, accompanied by the hum of the exhaust fan. Lindsey held back her tears, biting her l*p firmly. I’d like to see who took advantage of me. 

Getting up, she didn’t bother with clothes or thought them necessary. 

Barefooted, she walked to the bedroom door. There, he spotted a man in the kitchen, wearing his underwear, busily cooking oatmeal and frying eggs. 

When Lindsey recognized that the person was Finnegan, her resentment and anxiety instantly vanished. She even felt a touch of secret delight. Was it him last night? 

Biting her l*p, Lindsey tiptoed over. 

Of course, Finnegan’s senses were sharp. 

He already detected her when she was close, but when he turned around, he widened his eyes. Why isn’t she wearing anything? Doesn’t she know early morning is when a man’s energy is at its peak? 

In the next moment, Lindsey had already thrown herself into his arms, holding him tightly. “Why are you so bad? Does this count as you taking advantage of me?” 

Finnegan was just wearing a pair of shorts because his clothes hadn’t dried yet. 

Meanwhile, Lindsey was barely wearing anything. 

Finnegan, who had only ever been that close with Bernice, was completely stunned. His hands were stiff, and for a moment, he didn’t know whether to push Lindsey away or just let it be. 

However, he knew that Lindsey must have misunderstood. 

Lindsey lifted her head, her eyes shy. “Although, I should be the one taking the initiative, right? You rascal!” 

A twitch tugged at the corner of Finnegan’s mouth as he endured the discomfort. “Ms. Lindsey, you’ve misunderstood. Could you let go of me and put on some clothes first?” 



“Misunderstanding?” Lindsey bit her l*p, her eyes filled with resentment. “Then why did you look up?” 

What the heck! Who could possibly stay calm when you’re holding them like this? Finnegan quickly used his strength to push Lindsey away, swiftly leaving the kitchen and heading toward the balcony. “You’ve misunderstood. Get dressed, quickly.” 

At that moment, Finnegan couldn’t care less about his clothes being a bit damp. He hurriedly put them on. 

Lindsey hummed softly. “I’d like to see how you explain this.” 

Following that, she returned to her room and sl*pped into a thin nightgown before stepping out. 

Upon seeing that, Finnegan was at a loss for words. 

Lindsey looked even more enticing in her nightgown than she did before! 

Suppressing his inner wicked thoughts by silently reciting a mantra, Finnegan took out his phone and opened the video he had recorded last night. Then, he handed it to Lindsey. “You really misunderstood. I didn’t do anything last night. You just threw up all over yourself.” 

As Lindsey took the phone with a furrowed brow, Finnegan began to detail the previous night’s events. 

the end, he gave a bitter smile. “I slept in another room because you threw up all over me last night. Besides, if I really did do something, you’d feel it, wouldn’t you? Do you feel anything now?” 

Upon seeing the video, Lindsey realized she had misunderstood. 

However, there was no joy in her heart. Instead, there was some annoyance. 


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