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A Healer’s Journey (Finnegan and Nuthana) Novel novel Chapter 210

Chapter 210 Joint Inspection 

The next day, Finnegan got up and had breakfast. After that, under Alisha’s resentful gaze, he hailed a taxi to head toward Jerome Medical Clinic. 

After the night before, the noticeably brighter Yuliana saw him and immediately approached him. “Finnegan, have you had breakfast yet? I can prepare something for you.” 

Nearby, Jerome and Casper both widened their eyes. The former was delighted that Yuliana had truly changed. The latter was thinking about whether Finnegan was dating Yuliana. 

Finnegan didn’t overthink it. “I’ve eaten already. You go ahead with your work.” 

“All right, then.” 

Yuliana seemed a bit downcast. She nodded and walked away. 

“Finnegan.” Casper leaned in, whispering, “Why does Ms. Magnussen seem much more friendly toward you?” 

Upon hearing that, Finnegan realized that Casper had misunderstood. 

He lifted his leg and kicked Casper. “Stop thinking nonsense. There’s nothing going on between me and Yuliana. How’s your martial arts training going lately?” 

Casper laughed heartily. “Fine! You didn’t need to kick me! Practicing martial arts is going fine for me. Recently, following your instructions, I’ve made some progress. The power of my punch is now several times stronger than before!” 

Finnegan said, “That’s good, but don’t rush things. First, cultivate toward Amber Realm and establish a solid foundation. This way, when you cultivate toward Enigma Realm and start gathering energy, you’ll be more stable.” 

“I understand. Don’t worry.” 

Nodding his head, Finnegan was about to enter. 

However, Casper seemed to have thought of something and stopped him. “By the way, did you see Michelle yesterday?” 

Finnegan said, “Yes. I have.” 

Then, he roughly explained what had happened at the entrance of the Caulder residence the day before. 

After listening, Casper snorted. “Robert and Derrick truly got what they deserved. Serves them right! But Michelle is really disgusting. I thought she had turned over a new leaf.” 

As it turned out, Michelle called Casper the day before to apologize, seek forgiveness, and hope they could get back together. 

Upon hearing Finnegan’s words at that moment, Casper understood what Michelle was thinking. This indicates that she recognizes Finnegan’s capabilities and wants to reconcile with me, seeking Finnegan’s assistance afterward. 



Finnegan patted him on the shoulder and said, “As long as you can see through her intentions and not be fooled, that’s all that matters. Don’t worry about anything else.” 

“I won’t be fooled by her again. It’s just that Josephine- 

As soon as Finnegan heard what Casper was about to say, he quickly interrupted him, “I’ll go take a look around in the back. You carry on with your work.” 

He strode in without giving Casper a chance to speak. 

Casper wore a gloomy expression. “This guy rejecting Josephine, who’s his childhood sweetheart, makes him a jerk, no?” 

Upon reaching the backyard, Finnegan lay down on the rocking chair. 

Before long, Stephen called and said, “Finnegan, have you forgotten something again?” 

Finnegan snapped back to reality, smacking his forehead with a wry smile. “I’m sorry. I forgot again that I was supposed to treat Ms. Wright.” 

“You really aren’t putting your heart into being a doctor. Just give me your address, and I’ll come pick you up!” 

“I’m at Jerome Medical Clinic. Come over.” 

After ending the call, Finnegan couldn’t help but feel a bit awkward. “Seems like next time, I’ll have to take the initiative and go over there myself.” 

Afterward, Finnegan simply lay down and waited for Stephen. 

“Finnegan, there are many people outside looking for you!” Casper informed. 

Before Stephen could arrive, Casper rushed in anxiously. “At least a hundred people are outside. Have you offended someone again?” 

Frowning slightly, Finnegan stood up. “I don’t think there’s anything recently. Let’s go check it out.” 

After stepping outside and getting a clear view, Finnegan laughed. “You guys are used to putting on a show, aren’t you?” 

Those people weren’t troublemakers. 

They were the people Jaxon, Zephyr, and Shaun brought along. 

Upon seeing Finnegan, the three of them hurriedly approached him. “Mr. Larkin, we’re here at your service. As for these people, we knew that Jerome Medical Clinic was being renovated, so we specifically brought this construction team. Consider it a welcome gift!” 

Casper, Jerome, and Yuliana were somewhat surprised. What… Aren’t these people here to look for trouble? Are they really here to help rebuild Jerome Medical Clinic? 

Finnegan briefly explained the situation to the trio. 

After that, he said to Jaxon, Zephyr, and Shaun, “Since that’s the case, I won’t stand on ceremony. Take 



your people and go help out in the back.” 

“All right!” 

+5 Free Coins 

The three of them acknowledged and immediately set about delegating tasks to the people they brought with them, instantly bringing a lively buzz to Jerome Medical Clinic. 

With a complex expression on his face, Jerome approached Finnegan and asked, “Is this all right?” 

One was the heir of the Langdon family, and the other two were the heirs of the Haimowitz and Miles families. 

Jerome was afraid they might cause chaos later on. 

Finnegan chuckled. “Don’t worry. Even if they had ten times the courage, they wouldn’t dare. Besides, it wasn’t me who asked them to come. It was their elders at home who sent them here 

Seeing that Jerome was still a bit worried, Finnegan explained the situation in detail. 

After hearing that, Jerome was completely reassured. 

At the same time, he gave Finnegan a thumbs up. “You are really amazing, Master! If it were anyone else, who could make the heirs of several families behave like this?” 

After being praised by Jerome, Finnegan was somewhat embarrassed. “Mr. Magnussen, you are too kind 

“Everyone, stop! I said stop! Who gave you permission to start construction? Show me the documents.” Suddenly, several cars pulled up at the door. There were vehicles from the Urban Renewal Department, the Environmental Protection Department, and the Commerce and Industry Department. 

In an instant, over twenty people blocked the entrance, their presence overwhelming. 

Finnegan raised an eyebrow. A joint inspection by multiple departments? What a coincidence. 

Jerome was taken aback for a moment before stepping forward. “Everyone, we’ve been vandalized recently, and it’s all on record at the police department. They said we could just rebuild it as it was, no need for any permits or anything like that.” 


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