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A Healer’s Journey (Finnegan and Nuthana) Novel novel Chapter 303

Chapter 303 Calm Down 

After enjoying a candlelit dinner and watching a movie. Finnegan and Bernice returned to Dragon Bay No. 1 Villa near midnight. 

Initially wearing a relaxed smile, Bernice, who had been enjoying a lovely date that evening, became somewhat uneasy upon entering the room. A hint of blush also appeared on her cheeks. 

“I’ll go take a bath first.” 

Turning around, she walked into the closet, grabbed a bathrobe, and then entered the bathroom, shutting the door behind him. 

Yet, she didn’t immediately take a bath. Instead, she stood in front of the mirror, looking at her reflection. Her cheeks were even redder than before. What should do tonight? 

When Bernice decided to move in, she was already prepared to become even closer to Finnegan. 

When Finnegan moved her luggage directly into his room, Bernice became even more certain that she probably couldn’t avoid him. 

However, at that moment, Bernice became nervous again. 

It wasn’t that she didn’t want to give it to Finnegan. 

Instead, there was some resistance and worry in her mind. 

She resisted because she believed that the wedding night should be perfect. 

Her worry was that the few instances of simple intimacy had made her acutely aware of Finnegan’s extraordinary talent, and she feared she might not be able to withstand it. 

After particularly reviewing some related materials, she felt her worry only intensified. 

She feared that if she and Finnegan took things further their relationship might not last beyond one night. 

Just as she was caught in her hesitation, the unlocked bathroom door was pushed open, and Finnegan walked in with a cheerful smile. “Darling, I think we should do it together. This way, we can save half the time.” 

Upon hearing the sound, Bernice abruptly turned around, only to see Finnegan walking in, clad only in his underwear. 

Her cheeks suddenly flushed hot, and she hastily pushed Finnegan away. “Meanie! Who let you in? Get out now!” 

How could Finnegan, who had truly grasped the essence of having a thick skin and enjoying the fruits of it, simply leave like that? 

Grasping Bernice’s hand, he swiftly turned her around to embrace her tightly from behind. “Today, I’ve rightfully taken you, my little lamb, from your parents care. Do you think I would leave?” 


With a swift motion, Bernice slapped Finnegan’s hand away. “You scoundrel,” she chided. “Speak if you must, but keep your hands to yourself.” 

“All right, then I’ll do the talking!” 

Following that, Finnegan seemed to act like a tyrannical scion who bullied men and dominated women. Regardless of how much Bernice, the innocent lamb, resisted, it was all in vain. 

One could also say that Bernice’s resistance was merely symbolic. 

It seemed more like a situation of half reluctance, half compliance. 

Thus, it wasn’t long before the two of them collapsed together into a bathtub filled with water. Bernice’s voice had become very soft as if she was humming from her throat. “Meanie. Now scrub my back for me.” 

“Don’t worry, I’ll definitely do more for you than just scrubbing your back.” Finnegan grinned. 

This provoked Bernice to curse shyly, “Meanie!” 

After all the laughter and frolicking, Finnegan finally carried Bernice back to their room. 

The lights dimmed, and Bernice, with her arm hooked around Finnegan’s neck and blushing, asked, “What are you planning to do, Meanie?” 

Finnegan lowered his head and whispered a sentence into Bernice’s car. 

Immediately, Bernice’s cheeks turned even redder. She dared not even look into Finnegan’s eyes. “You spoke well, but you’re not allowed to say it again in the future.” 

“All right. I’ll take direct action from now on.” Finnegan chuckled, pulling the blanket over the two of 


A few minutes later, Finnegan sighed, threw off his blanket, and sat up, looking at his own hand. 

A streak of red was clearly visible. “Good heavens!” 

Bernice was initially quite nervous and shy, but upon seeing that, she couldn’t help but burst and push Finnegan away. “Don’t blame me for this. It’s the heavens that deemed tonight ina Quickly move aside and let me handle this.” 

Finnegan lay on his back, a grimace etched on his face as he cursed. “I don’t want to be a boy Why are they treating me like this?” 

Bernice, who was cleaning in the bathroom, couldn’t help but burst into laughter again. 

Once she had tidied up and changed into her pajamas, she returned to the bedroom, only to find Finnegan wearing a face of utter desolation. 

Looking at his state, her cheeks slightly flushed, she asked, “Can’t you calm down?” 

Finnegan said with a sense of injustice, “What do you think?” 

Biting her lip, she recalled some of the information she had read. If a man didn’t go with the flow at certain times, he could fall ill. “Is there any other way to help relieve you?” 




Upon hearing that, Finnegan quickly pulled Bernice closer, his 

“Mhm,” uttered Bernice with a tiny whisper. 

eyes lit 

“If there’s a way, 


you do it?” 

Immediately, Finnegan became excited, pulling Bernice into his arms and whispering a plan into her ear. 

After hearing that, Bernice covered her mouth, blushing profusely. “Meanie! Confess honestly. Have you been with other women before? Otherwise, how would you know all this?” 

The corners of Finnegan’s mouth twitched as the image of Queenie surfaced in his mind. 

What he told Bernice, he had let Queenie try it out before. 

However, Finnegan knew he absolutely couldn’t admit it, even if it were just to teach Queenie a lesson at the time. “I’ve never done it, but it doesn’t mean I haven’t heard it before. After all, our neighboring country is an expert in this field!” 

To prevent Bernice from asking further, Finnegan shrugged. “If it’s too difficult for you, let’s forget about it for now. We can talk about it later.” 

Bernice softened her expression, biting her lip as if she was deeply conflicted. 

Then, almost inaudibly, she uttered, “Turn off the lights!” 

Just as Finnegan was about to give up, he felt a jolt in his heart, a surge of energy coursing through his entire body. “Are you really going to…” 

“I’ll change my mind if you don’t.” 

“I’ll turn it off right now!” 


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