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A Healer’s Journey (Finnegan and Nuthana) Novel novel Chapter 33

Chapter 33 Eight More Days 

“Boss, Finnegan’s here!” 

The second Finnegan stepped into General Hospital, Tristan’s subordinates immediately received news about it and hastily reported it to their employer. 

Tristan, who was speaking with Oscar in the ward, froze. 

Once he came back to his senses, he leaped to his feet and said, “He’s at the hospital?” 

“Yes! He should be in the elevator by now.” 

Tristan’s heart sank. “What do we do, Mr. Goldberg?” 

Oscar’s senior had yet to arrive, and with how powerful Finnegan was, they might be defeated if Finnegan were to attack them right there and then. 

Oscar consoled, “Don’t worry, Mr. Chomsky, it’s broad daylight right now, and we’re in the hospital too. He won’t dare to do anything he pleases.” After a pause, he speculated, “Maybe he’s worried that you’ll go after his parents next after demolishing his house, so he has come to beg for mercy.” 


Right as those words were out of Tristan’s subordinate’s mouth, fighting sounds and pained. shouts echoed in the corridor. 

Tristan tensed up and hurried out while Oscar asked Tristan’s subordinate to wheel him out as well. 

It was then they saw Finnegan fighting Tristan’s dozens of b*dyguards. Yet, those trained and. well-paid b*dyguards could not stop Finnegan’s advancement at all as they fell one by one like domino blocks. 

In no time, half of them were immobile on the ground. 

Tristan narrowed his eyes. “Is that Finnegan Larkin?” 

He had heard Finnegan’s name five years ago. In fact, he was the one who pulled strings to get the school to kick Finnegan and Desmond out. However, it was Tristan’s first time seeing. Finnegan in person. 

He could not imagine how the young Finnegan was capable of incapacitating Oscar. 

With hatred, Oscar glared at Finnegan and hissed, “That’s him!” 



Finnegan swept past the Chomsky family’s b*dyguards easily and they fell one after another. 

By the time he was a few meters away from Tristan and the others, the Chomskys’ b*dyguards were slumped on the ground behind him, moaning in pain. 

Tristan was flabbergasted by Finnegan’s power, for the b*dyguards he paid a hefty sum to hire were all like paper soldiers before a road roller. 

However, Tristan was still the man who had singlehandedly brought his family to its glory, so he quickly recomposed himself. “Are you Finnegan Larkin? Quite a fighter, I see. But, what a pity, connections and wealth are what make the world go round nowadays. Don’t you fear bringing doom to you and your family by provoking me?” 

Instead of answering Tristan, Finnegan continued to amble toward the latter. 

Tristan’s heart skipped a beat, and he warned, “Finnegan, I’ll admit that you seem capable, but I’ll warn you against being reckless. Even if you clone yourself a hundred times, you won’t be able to hold your ground against me with the kind of status I have in Jadeborough!” 

Nevertheless, Finnegan continued to make his way toward Tristan. 


A wave of worry hit Tristan, and he said in a louder voice, “I’m giving you a chance now, Finnegan, to get on your knees to apologize and treat Killi. If you do that, I’ll spare you this time.” 

Finnegan never halted in his tracks. 

Right then, a vicious look flashed past Tristan’s subordinate’s eyes, and he whipped out a gun to point it at Finnegan. “Stop right there!” 

Finnegan sneered. He waved his right hand, and numerous needles shot out, burying themselves into Tristan’s subordinate’s b*dy. Before he could figure out what was going on, scorching pain coursed through his b*dy. With a cry of pain, he collapsed onto the ground. and started convulsing, foam coming out of his mouth. 

Surprise clawed 



Tristan and Oscar’s throats when they took in the scene. 

Before they could react, Finnegan, who had come close to them, slapped Tristan. Tristan spat out a mouthful of blood with two teeth, and his cheek swelled immediately. 

Tristan snarled, “How da-” 


Finnegan slapped the other side of his face, making him lose another three bloody teeth. At 


the same time, Tristan fell to his right from the force and knocked his head. 

Oscar hissed, “How dare you hit Mr. Chomsky? You’re dead meat!” 

Right as he said that, the bottom of a shoe appeared in front of him, and Finnegan’s foot landed on his chest. Oscar fell along with his wheelchair. 

The ribs that had just healed broke again, and he screeched in pain. 

Finnegan ambled over to Tristan. The latter held his head and hastily retreated, no longer as confident as he was earlier. “Hold your horses.” 

Tristan still had a lot of money to spend. If Finnegan were to kill him like the lunatic he was, he would not rest in peace. 

Finnegan snatched his collar and dragged Tristan toward him. As he slapped Tristan’s cheek to humiliate him, he gritted out, “Feel free to come after me if you can do that, but if you come after my family, you’ll have to pay a big price for it. Remember that.” 

With that, Finnegan kicked Tristan to the ground before glancing at Killian, who was in the intensive care unit. 

He barked out a mirthless laugh and walked toward the elevator. “You have eight more days. to get Killian to kneel before the ruins of my house for three days and three nights. He also has to cut off his four limbs and donate two billion to charity. Otherwise, the Chomsky family will be going to hell with Killian.” 

Finnegan came and left equally swiftly. 

Once Tristan got back on his feet, he bellowed, “Finnegan Larkin, you’re a lunatic! I’m going to kill your whole family and tear you to pieces! 

At the same time, he was feeling a tinge of regret-he should have gotten rid of Finnegan. before demolishing his house. 

That way, he would not be caught defenseless like this and go through such humiliation. 

“Is there anything else you need me to do, Dr. Larkin?” 

“No, it’s fine. You can leave now.” 

Finnegan asked Mandy to send him to Wharf Street, and he got out of the car when they reached the junction. That way, he could avoid explaining to his parents about Mandy’s 



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