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A Healer’s Journey (Finnegan and Nuthana) Novel novel Chapter 54

Chapter 54 Is He Still A Human 

“It’s Rocky! That dude is doomed!” said the person who recognized Rocky, the manager of Ark Bar. 

Rocky was immaculately dressed, with his hair perfectly styled. He wore a fierce expression. and was followed by a group of men dressed in black. 

It was obvious he was a ruthless man. 

The young man with dreadlocks was overjoyed. Casting his fear for Finnegan aside, he limped toward Rocky. “Rocky, avenge me. Look at what that guy did to me.” 


All of a sudden, Rocky slapped his own brother across the face and uttered, “Didn’t I tell you not to cause any commotion tonight because Mr. Calandrino is entertaining guests in the private room? Did my words mean nothing to you?” 

The young man, who had just been slapped, felt aggrieved. “You told me not to stir up. problems but didn’t tell me Mr. Calandrino is coming tonight. Besides, he was the one who started the fight!” 

*F*ck! Stop finding excuses to defend yourself!” Rocky kicked him to the ground without any concern for him being his own brother. 

His vicious demeanor left everyone present speechless. Some timid ones had even begun leaving quietly, deciding not to stay for the night. 

After teaching the young man a lesson, Rocky glared at Finnegan. “Kid, how dare you cause a ruckus in Ark and a*sault my 


Finnegan was unfazed. “He deserved it.” 

Rocky burst into laughter as the expression in his eyes turned grim. “You think you’re tough. just because you have some skills? You hardly scratched the surface!” With a cold glare, Rocky motioned with his hand and ordered, “Take him down, break his limbs, and toss him out. Don’t let him disrupt our business.” 

“Stop!” Bernice got up and stood in front of Finnegan. 

Rocky’s eyes lit up. “I didn’t expect to see such a hot chick here at Ark Bar. Not bad! But no one can tell me what I can or cannot do. Babe, you better move aside quickly, or you might get hurt.” 

Bernice responded, “I’m Bernice Zimmerman from Firebird Group. Your brother was the 


one who provoked us first, so please just let us go.” 

The Zimmermans might not be among the top ten most prestigious families in Jadeborough, but they still ran a relatively large corporation in the city. 

Rocky, of course, was aware of the family name. 

He knitted his brows and responded, “So you’re Ms. Zimmerman, huh? I’ll let you go, but sorry, he has to stay. It’s an order from Mr. Calandrino himself.” 

Bernice’s expression changed as she was taken aback by the fact that Tyrone had taken notice. 

of the incident. 

Finnegan gripped Bernice’s wrist to stop her from talking and calmly uttered, “I want you to leave with Josephine. They can’t do anything to harm me!” 

After witnessing his arrogance, the crowd was left stunned. How dare he make such a remark? Does he know where he is now? 

Bernice’s expression grew taut. “But…” 

Finnegan flashed her a grin. “Why don’t you head out first? Even if you and Josephine stay, I can’t rely on you girls, can I?” 

Observing Bernice’s reluctance to leave, Finnegan turned to Josephine. “Bring her out. I’ll be 


“Be careful,” Josephine said, hesitating for a moment before taking Bernice’s hand and leading her out of the bar. 

The young man immediately exclaimed, “No, you can’t release that girl. Rocky, you can’t allow Phinny to leave. I’m like this all because of her.” 

“Shut up!” Rocky would not have paid attention to what his brother had said, but since Bernice had revealed her identity, it was best not to toy with danger. Let’s deal with Finnegan first since he’s the troublemaker. As for Josephine, we can deal with her later. 

Finnegan had nothing to worry about since Josephine had dragged Bernice out of the bar. 

A faint smile curved his l*ps as he quipped, “Shall we clear the room before we start?” 

“Brat, it seems you’re not planning to beg for mercy, huh?” Rocky laughed indifferently. “Clearing the room is unnecessary. I’ll use you as an example to show everyone the consequences of causing trouble in Ark Bar.” 

Finnegan interjected, “Is that so? But I feel you’ll be the one clearing the room soon!” 


Finnegan’s brazen attitude in the face of dozens of men was nothing short of infuriating. 

“What a stubborn foo!” Rocky let out a cold snort. He then turned to his men and ordered, “Boys, it’s time to teach him a lesson!” 

The men in black, who could not stand Finnegan’s arrogance, started charging at him. 

One of them leaped toward Finnegan over a table. Holding a beer bottle in his hand, he was ready to smash it on his head. 

He might have struck an impressive pose, but what awaited him was a tragic end. 

After leaping in mid-air, Finnegan delivered a swift and powerful kick, sending the man flying over ten meters away and causing the latter to crash into the crowd of onlookers. 

Rocky’s eyelid twitched. D*mn, he’s good. I don’t think I can send someone flying over ten meters away with just a kick. 

Now that Bernice and Josephine were no longer by his side, Finnegan was able to unleash his full potential. Standing on a table, he swept his left leg, sending dozens of beer bottles flying in all directions. 

Catching more than ten men in black off guard, the flying bottles smashed into their bodies. and broke into pieces. 

Shards of gla*s flew everywhere, and Rocky’s men could not dodge in time. 

The bar was filled with the sound of painful cries. 

Rocky’s expression finally darkened. He bellowed, “Clear the place, and get all the guests out of here.” 

Having guests around would limit his ability to fight, and he did not want to involve them in 

the chaos. 

Rocky did not clear the place because he was concerned about the guests’ safety, but rather because he did not want Ark Bar’s business reputation and business to be affected. 

In fact, most of the guests who sensed the danger had already prepared to leave even before Rocky gave the order to clear the place. 

With just a kick, Finnegan had swiftly taken a man down. He turned around and scoffed, “I thought you said you didn’t need to clear the room. You wanted them to witness the consequences of causing trouble in the bar, right?” 

Rocky’s face flushed with anger, and he could no longer contain his frustration. “Everyone, get over here! We must teach him a lesson. Don’t bother working for Mr. Calandrino if you 


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