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A Healer’s Journey (Finnegan and Nuthana) Novel novel Chapter 57

Chapter 57 Dexter And Amelia. 

Rhiannon contacted Amelia right after entering the building. 

“I asked you to come earlier. Why did you just get here?” Amelia complained right after meeting Rhiannon. 

However, it was not yet nine o’clock, and Rhiannon was not considered late. 

Then again, Rhiannon knew she might have to rely on Amelia’s brother, Dexter, to help her out. Hence, Rhiannon apologized, “I’m sorry” 

Xandra snickered. “Fine. Go see Dexter first!” 

As a company with over billions in market capitalization, even a menial team member of the sales department enjoyed their own private office. 

“Dexter, Rhia is here.” 

Dressed in an immaculate suit, Dexter smiled and got up. “Rhia, you’re here. Have a seat.” 

Rhiannon was not used to the warm welcome and nodded before sitting. “Dexter, what should I do when I go over to the HR department for the interview later?” 

“What HR department? Even university graduates’ applications for an interview will be rejected. You’ve not even graduated from the university yet. You might not even get a chance to meet the interviewer if you head to the HR department right now,” Dexter said with a smile. 

“So, I’m not going to the HR department?” 

Rhiannon a*sumed that any personnel changes within a company, such as recruitment or termination, would be handled by the HR department. Hence, she was befuddled. 

Amelia explained, “It’s no use getting to the HR department now. We have to bank on connections. So, you have to go meet Larry Zane, the general manager of the sales department. If he agrees to issue a recommendation letter to you, then you can go to the HR department to process your recruitment. He agreed to process Xan’s two days ago. 

I also got mine. However, I got mine from my sister-in-law, and she can only recommend one person. 

Rhiannon nodded. However, she was still worried and said, “But I don’t know Mr. Zane!” 

“Yes, but I know him. Besides, I’ve already told Mr. Zane about you. When Xan goes over to get her recommendation letter, you just have to tag along,” Dexter commented. 

“Thank you, Dexter. Tonight’s dinner is on me if everything goes well,” Rhiannon said. 



“You’re welcome. You and Xan are Amelia’s besties. It’s only right that I help you guys out.” 

After some time, Dexter took a look at the time and said, “Mr. Zane should be back at the office now. Xan, why don’t you bring Rhia over?” 

Amelia handed Rhiannon a gla*s of water. “Mr. Zane might ask you some questions. Drink at gla*s of water to calm your nerves. Don’t get too nervous,” 

Thank you.” Rhiannon was feeling a tad nervous and downed the gla*s of water in one go. 

However, she didn’t realize the odd looks in Dexter’s, Amelia’s, and Xandra’s eyes. 

After Xandra and Rhiannon left, Amelia asked apprehensively, “Dexter, we’ve tricked Xan. Is it going to be okay to do the same to Rhia?” 

Gone was Dexter’s genteel manners as he said, “It’s going to be fine. Did Xandra even say anything? Besides, it’s not like she’s not getting anything out of it. She’s managed to secure a place in Pentariver Group. Do you know just how many people covet a chance like that? If Mr. Zane is really not satisfied with her, we wouldn’t have to pay the eight hundred thousand either, and I get a chance to be promoted. Isn’t that a win for all?” 

Amelia stopped worrying after listening to her brother. A vicious look crept up her face. “You’re right. It’s every man for himself out here! Besides, it’s all Rhia’s brother’s fault that we’re doing this. It’s only right that she bears the losses that we suffered.” 

“Xan, is Mr. Zane not at his office in the sales department?” Rhiannon asked. 

Xandra had led her to a deserted floor. 

“Mr. Zane is in the top management,” Xandra explained with an odd look on her face. “The top management of Pentariver Group is all on the same floor. Only the sales manager is on the same floor as the rest of the employees. 

Rhiannon nodded and didn’t doubt her. 

However, she secretly texted Finnegan to update her progress. 

Upon arriving at the entrance of an office, Xandra knocked on the door, and her voice turned uncharacteristically sweet as she addressed the person inside, “Mr. Zane, it’s Xan. I have brought the girl over.” 

Rhiannon was taken aback as she wondered why Xandra sounded like she was quite close to Larry. 

However, a middle-aged man’s voice rang before she could figure it out. “Come in.” 

Xandra pushed open the door and said, “Go on in.” 


Rhiannon stepped into the office apprehensively. However, she soon realized that it was not an office at all. 

The office was more like a storeroom. There was a couch, and papers were strewn all across the floor. 

And then, there was a pot-bellied middle-aged man. 

His eyes glinted with pleasant surprise at the sight of Rhiannon. “Dexter didn’t lie to me. This one’s quite the beauty!” 

Larry’s lecherous stares made Rhiannon even more nervous. Worried that things might go wrong, she pressed Finnegan’s number on the speed dial. 

Meanwhile, Xandra was introducing Rhiannon with a bright beam on her face, “Mr. Zane, this is Amelia’s and my dormmate, Rhiannon Larkin. Rhia, this is Mr. Larry Zane. You will be able to secure an internship in Pentariver Group if he agrees to give you a chance.” 

“Hello, Mr. Zane,” Rhiannon greeted. 

Larry licked his lower l*p and said, “Xan, have you made the necessary arrangements? 

“It’s all done.” 

Rhiannon grew even more nervous as she couldn’t understand what they were talking about. However, she relaxed a little after she reminded herself that Finnegan was right downstairs. 

Larry cleared his throat and said, “Please leave, then. I have some questions for her.”” 

Xandra nodded and retreated without saying another word to Rhiannon. She even locked the door from the outside. 

Larry gave Rhiannon a long, hard look before taking a few steps back to sit on the couch. “Briefly introduce yourself.” 

Rhiannon recomposed herself and said, “I am Rhiannon Larkin. I’m twenty-one years old. and currently a third-year student in the Faculty of Economics and Management at Jadeborough University. I’ve participated in the province and state competitions of—” 


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