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A Healer’s Journey (Finnegan and Nuthana) Novel novel Chapter 69

Chapter 69 Best Friend 

Finnegan arrived at Firebird Group, Bernice was in a meeting. 

she had already made arrangements in advance. As soon as he mentioned his 

e the receptionist directed him to the CEO’s office to wait. 

The office was spacious and well-lit, spanning over seventy square meters. Unlike the CEO’s offices in some other companies, it lacked the pretentious decorations and trinkets that often cluttered the space. 

Finnegan walked over to the front of the desk and casually picked up two photo frames. 

One of the photo frames held a picture of Bernice with her family of three, while the other contained a picture of a more crowded group. 

It was a family portrait of the entire Zimmerman family. 

Finnegan murmured, “It looks like my wife values family a lot, huh?” 

If it were someone else, they would probably only display a portrait of their immediate family. 

Impressed, he set the frames back down. His attention was then drawn to the sandalwood incense burner nearby, and his brows furrowed involuntarily. “Why hasn’t she gotten rid of this thing?” 

In the incense burner was a lingering fragrance of A Thousand Dreams. 

This is clearly the same incense burner that was used to release A Thousand Dreams which had cast Bernice into a deep slumber. 

“Don’t you know that you shouldn’t touch someone else’s belongings without permission?” 

Just when Finnegan was contemplating whether he should inquire about the origin of A Thousand Dreams incense that Bernice had lit, a chilly female voice suddenly rang out from behind him. 

He set the incense burner down and turned around, only to be met by a woman dressed in a black office suit. Standing at around one meter seventy, she exuded a cool and elegant aura and had exquisite features that could only be described as stunning. 

The woman’s beauty was only a notch below Bernice’s, if not on par. 

However, her figure was undoubtedly a couple of times more alluring than Bernice’s. 

Finnegan couldn’t help but let his gaze linger a few moments longer as a mischievous smile 


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However, Chimmerpreted his warts and her expression grew even more unpleasant. Saymate Finnegan I open you’ve been putting on a charming act in front of Bernie 

Sensing her hosting Emmegan fowned and said. I believe this is our first encounter, isn’t it. 

Omir senfed. Thiet ins is our fint meeting but I’ve heard Bernie mention your name commies times. I used to have a somevitat favorable impression of you, but now it seems your deputation does hold up in person. This only confirms my initial suspicion that Bemie stuit eter be with someone like you!” 

ened hosting left Finnegan a bit puzzled. “And who might you be to make that 

Wirth a disgusted expression. Candy renomed. Who I am is none of your business. Your only onem should be that you re not worthy of Bertie. You’d better find an excuse to leave now. and don’t even think about amending Old Mr Zimmerman’s birthday celebration with her.” 

Having been best friends with Bernice for eleven years, she had already learned from the women that she and Finnegan were in a romantic relationship. Moreover, she also knew that Bemice was planting to publicly announce their relationship to everyone that night. 

Chudy was somewhat opposed to this idea as she believed that if her best friend were to pursue a romantic relationship in should be with someone from the ten prominent families of Jadeborough. 

However, she underwood Bentine’s personality well. The more she tried to persuade her, the mone it seemed to have the opposite efect 

As such, when the learned that Finnegan was coming, she conceived a plan to point out his Raw and make him back of on his own 

comers of his l*ps 

looking at Noticing his gaze, Cindy Zalder’s face darkened, and she 

ssed her arms in front of her. “You’re shameless! 

ne blessed with a voluptuous figure, she was exquisitely attuned to men’s glances, he had never come across a man who would stare at her so unabashedly. 

Finnegan smiled lightly, his gaze devoid of any ulterior motives. “You’ve misunderstood. As a dock it’s just my instinct to observe. You’re quite unique, gorgeous.” 

She has a fiery attitude, but it seems that there’s an underlying condition affecting this woman, causing her a*sets to undergo continuous growth. 

However, Cindy misinterpreted his words, and her expression grew even more unpleasant. So, you’re Finnegan? It appears you’ve been putting on a charming act in front of Bernie, but deep down, you’re just a womanizer!” 

Sensing her hostility, Finnegan frowned and said, “I believe this is our first encounter, isn’t it, gorgeous?” 

Cindy scoffed, “Indeed, this is our first meeting, but I’ve heard Bernie mention your name countless times. I used to have a somewhat favorable impression of you, but now it seems your reputation doesn’t hold up in person. This only confirms my initial suspicion that Bernie should never be with someone like you!” 

The unexpected hostility left Finnegan a bit puzzled. “And who might you be to make that kind of comment?” 

With a disgusted expression, Cindy retorted, “Who I am is none of your business. Your only concern should be that you’re not worthy of Bernie. You’d better find an excuse to leave now, and don’t even think about attending Old Mr. Zimmerman’s birthday celebration with her.” 

Having been best friends with Bernice for eleven years, she had already learned from the woman that she and Finnegan were in a romantic relationship. Moreover, she also knew that Bernice was planning to publicly announce their relationship to everyone that night. 

Cindy was somewhat opposed to this idea as she believed that if her best friend were to pursue a romantic relationship, it should be with someone from the ten prominent families of Jadeborough. 

However, she understood Bernice’s personality well. The more she tried to persuade her, the more it seemed to have the opposite effect. 

As such, when she learned that Finnegan was coming, she conceived a plan to point out his flaw and make him back off on his own. 

Chajuel (1) Host Frindd 

Now that she had witnessed the man’s character in person, her determination grew even tronger, Sheanis resolute in her conviction that she couldn’t allow him to be with Bernice. 

Finnegan remained puzzled by her animosity and was gradually losing patience. “I’m sorry. but whether I’m worthy or not is not for you to decide. I don’t need you to tell me what I should and shouldn’t do.” 

What’s her deal? She just appeared out of nowhere and started giving me attitude. If it wasn’t because I had no idea what her relationship with Bernice was, I’d have slapped some sense into her by now. 

Finnegan, one should have a sense of self-awareness. Bernie is way out of your league!” Cindy’s voice turned icy. “Besides, at the age of fourteen, Bernie was granted a special admission to Jadeborough University. By eighteen, she was enrolled in Durbaine University and she obtained her master’s degree within two years. She joined the company at twenty, and in just five years, she managed to double Firebird Group’s market value. What do you have to offer in comparison? If you think you’re worthy just because you helped Bernie once, then you truly are deserving of contempt!” 

Finnegan’s expression grew increasingly grim as he listened to her words that were laden with personal attacks. 

Should I teach this bratty woman a harsh lesson? 

“Finnegan, you’re here.” 

Just when Finnegan was deep in thought, Bernice walked in with a lively step and approached him with a cheerful demeanor, much to the surprise of both Cindy and the a*sistant who was following behind. 

When did the typically composed and reserved CEO ever exhibit such childlike behavior? 

It seemed that Bernice had also realized she was acting a bit out of character, for she quickly changed the subject, saying, “Cin, you’re here too?” 

Cindy gave Finnegan a profound look before acting as if nothing had happened. “Well, you’ve been talking about Finnegan all the time, and I happened to hear that he came to the company, so I thought I’d come and see him for myself.” 

Without suspecting anything, Bernice asked, “So, it seems that you two already know each other?” 


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