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A Healer’s Journey (Finnegan and Nuthana) Novel novel Chapter 79

Chapter 79 Are You Qualified To Vouch For Him 

What if I vouch for him?” 

No sooner did the voice ring out than heavily armed soldiers emerged one by one. As they skillfully fanned out to the sides, they opened up a path in the center by pushing the guests 


Two similar-aged young men walked over, their upright posture exuding a commanding 


The scene that unfolded shocked the crowd. Why is he here with so many men? 

Reginald’s eyelids twitched uncontrollably. “Mr. Wright!” 

Even though Jadeborough had ten prominent families, it didn’t mean that they wielded the highest authority in the city. 

That position belonged to a more powerful entity hovering above them all-the Wright family. 

Their absolute power not only extended to Jadeborough but also throughout Nuthana, and they held the fates of many in their hands. Even the ten prominent families of Jadeborough dared not challenge their authority. 

At that moment, the person who spoke was none other than Stephen Wright, eldest grandson of the Wright family and the most powerful scion within Nuthana. 

As for the man beside him, no one had seen him before. 

Nevertheless, anyone who could stand by Stephen’s side was definitely someone distinguished. 

Upon realizing what was going on, Bruce hurried forward to greet Stephen, “Mr. Wright, please forgive me for being rude. I—” 

However, Stephen simply walked past him. Under Finnegan’s thoughtful gaze, Stephen stopped right in front of Reginald, wearing a frosty expression. “Old Mr. Sable, I will vouch for this man. Are you still going to pursue the matter?” 

Even though Stephen was only twenty-eight, he exuded a distinguished yet domineering aura, causing Reginald to stagger backward before steadying himself. 

“Mr. Wright, why are you willing to vouch for Finnegan?” 

The matter had not only shocked Reginald but also everyone else present. 

On top of Alexander, the Haimowitz family, and the Miles family, the scion of the Wright family has 

me forward to vouch for him. Who in the world is this young man? 

Even Bernice gave Finnegan a curious look. 

She knew that he had cured Gilbert and Winston before, hence their support for him didn’t come as a surprise. 

However, now that the Wright family was standing up for Finnegan, she realized that she didn’t know her boyfriend as much as she thought. 

Stephen sneered, “Do I need to explain myself to you? The only thing you should do is to answer me whether I am qualified to vouch for him or not.” 

Reginald’s face turned red. It went without saying that he didn’t dare say that Stephen wasn’t. 

However, Liam felt indignant over the turn of events as he had painstakingly plotted to frame Finnegan. “Mr. Wright, Finnegan molested my secretary. This is-” 

“Shut up!” Reginald’s expression drastically changed as he screamed at Liam. “The matter has come to an end. The Sable family will not pursue it any further.” 

Bruce, who had just been ignored, added, “Neither will the Zimmerman family.” 

Given how shrewd these old men were, they knew they had no choice but to accept Stephen’s word. 

In fact, they were now more interested to know why Stephen was vouching for Finnegan. 

“However, I would like to continue pursuing the matter.” At that moment, Finnegan spoke abruptly. “Otherwise, everyone will a*sume that I did commit the act but am trying to escape by pulling strings.” 

Caught off guard by Finnegan, Reginald glowered with greater intensity. “Are you still not satisfied, Finnegan?” 

The consensus among the crowd was that Finnegan was getting carried away instead of knowing when to quit. 

Nonetheless, Stephen sneered, “Old Mr. Sable, I think it’s a good idea for Finnegan to clear his name. Otherwise, everyone will just think that I’m covering for him.” 

Filled with burning rage, Reginald kept his mouth shut and ensured Liam did the same. 

With the help of Stephen’s domineering presence, Finnegan walked up to the shocked and teary-eyed Hailey. “I pulled you into the washroom to molest you. did I?” 

Liam interrupted, “What are you asking that for? If it wasn’t for Mr. Wright-” 


innegan’s slap was so powerful that Liam spun around before crashing onto the floor. “I’m not ing to you!” 

Everyone was surprised to see Finnegan behave in such a haughty manner. 

Upon regaining his senses, Reginald thundered, “Finnegan, do you think impunity just because Mr. Wright has your back?” 

you can act with 

Stephen narrowed his eyes as he responded, “Old Mr. Sable, are you accusing me of covering up Finnegan’s crimes?” 

“That’s not what I meant! It’s just that Finnegan- 

Stephen cut him off ruthlessly, “Since that’s not what you meant, you had better shut Also, I’m not going to tolerate anyone else getting in Finnegan’s way!” 

The fact that Stephen was clearly siding with Finnegan kept everyone silent. Even Liam was no exception despite being slapped. 

Only Millicent dared to rant softly, “I can’t stand how despicable and smug he is!” 

Ignoring how everyone saw him, Finnegan stared intently at the nervous Hailey. “Answer 


With her b*dy trembling, she stuttered, “I… I… It’s…” 

As Hailey began to feel her knees buckle, she collapsed onto the ground in tears. “I’m sorry. You didn’t molest me. It was I who tried to frame you. I did it out of frustration after rejected my advances. Please forgive me.” 


While her beauty was one of the reasons Liam kept her by his side, the other was her brains. 

Hence, she recognized that maintaining her lie was useless and would only land her in greater trouble. 

With that thought in mind, she decided that confessing was for the best. Not only would she be granted clemency, but she could also hide the fact that she was acting under Liam’s order. Protecting him would help her gain greater trust and favor from him. 


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