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A Healer’s Journey (Finnegan and Nuthana) Novel novel Chapter 83

Chapter 83 Do Not Know How 

Knowing that his parents would definitely nag him, Finnegan woke up past eight in the morning the next day. After freshening up, he discreetly jumped from the second floor to the backyard and quietly left Dragon Bay’s No. 1 Villa. 

At a little over nine o’clock in the morning, seeing that Finnegan hadn’t woken up, Quiana knocked on Finnegan’s door, only to find that he had already left. 

“When did Finnegan leave?” 

Quiana questioned the housekeepers, but they all claimed ignorance. 

Wearing a stern expression, Desmond uttered, “Judging by how you’re badgering him to treat that ungrateful brat, Max, all the time, it’s only expected for him to run away.” 

Quiana retorted, “What right do you have to criticize me? No matter how ungrateful he is, Max is now severely ill, so why do you keep holding grudges? It’s your brother, Raymond, and his family who are outrageous. They are loaded and already own a house, yet they still have the audacity to borrow money from us to buy another house! More incredulously, you even agreed to his request! Did you forget how they refused to lend us even one thousand when you were disabled previously? Adrian and his family, on the other hand, lent the money to us.” 

Desmond’s face reddened with anger. “Quiana, you’re being unreasonable! Can you even compare these two matters? Your younger brother’s family has been an ungrateful bunch from the beginning. My brother’s family only acted in that manner because Finny ruined Ximena’s engagement. Otherwise, Raymond and his wife wouldn’t have behaved that way.” 

Quiana scolded, “Desmond, you’re just blindly loyal to your older brother. You always have been!” 

“You’re one to talk when you’re clearly obsessed with helping your younger brother!” 

Meanwhile, Finnegan had arrived at General Hospital, unaware that Desmond and Quiana were arguing again. 

“You’re here, Mr. Larkin.” 

William happened to be in the ward. Upon noticing Finnegan’s arrival, he hurriedly got to his feet and greeted Finnegan. 

“No need for formalities, Mr. Caulder,” Finnegan responded politely. When he walked up to 

you the side of the bed, he saw Soren had also woken up. “Old Mr. Caulder, how do 


After regaining consciousness, Soren learned that Finnegan had saved him. 


With great effort, he said. “Thank you for saving my life, Mr. Larkin. If you ever need any help, don’t hesitate to tell William and his brother. If they dare to disobey, let me know.” 

William smiled wryly. “Dad, we’re not that ungrateful. Don’t worry.” 

Finnegan said, “Old Mr. Caulder, let me start your acupuncture treatment.” 

After half an hour of acupuncture, Soren appeared significantly more vigorous. 

He even spoke with newfound vibrance. “You’re truly wise and impressive for a man your age, Mr. Larkin, even more so than Mr. Darius Hicks!” 

“You flatter me, Old Mr. Caulder. Get some rest for now, I’ll be taking my leave. I’ll return tomorrow to provide you with another acupuncture session.” 

“William, hurry up and escort Mr. Larkin out.” 

William saw Finnegan out and was about to speak when a middle-aged woman suddenly approached. “Finny, did you cure the lymphoma patient inside this ward? Are miraculous doctor?” 



Finnegan furrowed his brows. “Is there a problem?” 

The newcomer was none other than Adrian’s wife, Melinda. 

It seemed she had heard the rumors and came rushing over. 

William asked curiously, “Mr. Larkin, who is she?” 

“She’s my Aunt Melinda, the wife of my maternal uncle.” 

Upon hearing that, William immediately extended his hand, intending to greet Melinda. 

However, Finnegan quickly added, “But we aren’t close.” 

William instantly wrapped his mind around the situation and lowered his arm. “In that case, I’ll return to the room to take care of my dad now, Mr. Larkin. Also, my dad’s eightieth birthday banquet is coming up, and he hopes you can attend.” 


After William left, Melinda eagerly asked, “Finny, was that the chief of the Department of Education, William Caulder? I’ve seen him on television.” 

Finnegan glanced at Melinda before turning around. “It doesn’t concern you.” 

“Finny, stop right there” Melinda regained her senses and bolted forward to block him. 


“Since you’re that miraculous doctor, you should treat Max immediately. You should have some conscience! We are a family, after all. Besides, don’t you remember I used to carry you in my arms all the time when you were little?” 

Finnegan couldn’t help but sneer. “You indeed held me, but you also carelessly dropped me countless times, didn’t you?” 

Melinda’s face turned slightly pale. 

During Finnegan’s childhood, Melinda often intentionally dropped him on the floor because she was jealous of his family’s superior living conditions at that time, which outshone hers in every aspect. Why does this little git still remember what I did? 

Nevertheless, Melinda would never admit it. “It’s only normal for people to be careless at times. Come with me now to treat Max. We can’t bear the nearly ten thousand medical expenses per day!” 

She reached out to grab Finnegan, but he avoided her and strode forward. 

“I’m sorry, but I don’t know how!” 

“Finnegan, you ingrate! Are you even human?” Melinda exploded with rage, her tone not fitting of someone seeking help. “Max is your biological cousin and the only grandchild of the Lane family. Do you want to see the end of your granddad’s lineage? You must treat him. at once, you ungrateful b*stard!” 

Her curses grew louder and cruder, drawing the attention of many patients and their families to spectate the ruckus. 

Finnegan grimaced and stepped into the elevator pronto. With that attitude of hers, there’s no way I’ll ever treat Max. 

However, as soon as he entered the elevator, he thought of his mother, Quiana, and hesitated. 

Sighing softly, he pressed the button for the floor of the hospital director’s office. 

“Mr. Larkin, what brings you here? Please, take a seat.” 

When Finnegan reached the director’s office, Alexander, who was looking significantly younger by a decade after consuming the Long Life Pill, got to his feet in delight and invited Finnegan to sit. Then, he hastily made the latter a cup of coffee. 

Finnegan received the cup and said, “Dr. Cooper, I have a favor to ask.” 


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