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A Healer’s Journey (Finnegan and Nuthana) Novel novel Chapter 92

Chapter 92 What Realm Are You In 

Finnegan stopped dodging. Instead, he faced Eleazar’s incoming attack. 

The latter’s expression lit up. As long as Finnegan didn’t dodge, he believed he could defeat 


Immediately, Eleazar intensified his attack. He aimed to take down Finnegan as quickly as possible to prevent Logan from suddenly taking action. 

If that happened, there would be no hope for him tonight. 

A faint playfulness flickered in Finnegan’s eyes. 

How could Eleazar’s thoughts go unnoticed? 

Finnegan suddenly swept out his right leg, forcing Eleazar to change his move. 

Eleazar wasn’t very surprised by this. After all, Finnegan had only needed a few seconds to eerily kill Clarabelle, who was an Enigma Realm fighter in Postliminary Rank. It shouldn’t be difficult for him to neutralize one or two of his attacks. 

However, Eleazar didn’t believe that Finnegan could hold his ground against himself, who had abundant combat experience. 

He stretched out his left hand sneakily and clawed Finnegan’s right calf with his five fingers. 

Since he had practiced the Eagle Claw technique specifically for a period of time, his grip was comparable to an iron claw. 

He was confident that his strike would leave five holes in Finnegan’s calf. 

However, Finnegan suddenly lifted his left leg off the ground and rotated his b*dy horizontally in the air, breaking the attack. He launched a dozen kicks in an instant, forcing Eleazar to retreat repeatedly. 

“Not bad, kid. You’ve got some skills!” 

Eleazar was somewhat annoyed and embarra*sed that his confident strike was broken so easily and unexpectedly by Finnegan. 

He immediately circulated his energy throughout his b*dy, intending to make use of his rich combat experience to make Finnegan flustered and overwhelmed. 

Finnegan’s l*ps curved upward slightly. It was his intention to force Eleazar into close 



Otherwise, how else would he know where he fell short? 

The two of them engaged in a close fight, with Eleazar launching continuous attacks and Finnegan defending pa*sively. 

Finnegan seemed to be in a difficult position. 

“Mr. Tree, I’m afraid that Dr. Larkin might not be a match for Eleazar,” Jace said worriedly. 

Stephen said, “Eleazar fought and killed an Enigma Realm fighter in Postliminary Rank a few years ago. Now that he’s in Absolute Rank of Enigma Realm, I’m afraid that there are very few people beneath the Terra Realm who can match him!” 

For the past hundred years, the youngest person to break through the Terra Realm was over thirty-five years old. 

Given that Finnegan was only twenty-three now, his cultivation of the Enigma Realm was already impressive enough. 

Logan’s l*ps twitched slightly. He said, “Don’t worry. Even if Eleazar has reached the Absolute Rank of Terra Realm, he will be defeated today!” 


Stephen and Jace were shocked. 

Stephen glanced at Finnegan, who seemed to be on the verge of being defeated. “Mr. Tree, is Dr. Larkin perhaps a Grandmaster of the Ether Realm? But how is that possible?” 

Jace had the same thought. 

Grandmaster of the Ether Realm 

The pinnacle of martial arts. There are very few of them in the world! 

“He’s a doctor.” Logan sidestepped the question, which left Stephen and Jace utterly bewildered. 

What does being a doctor have to do when facing an opponent in a battle? 

The battle between Finnegan and Eleazar grew even more intense. Several fruit trees collapsed due to Eleazar’s formidable strength. 

Eleazar’s initial confidence also began to waver in the battle when he realized that no matter how fierce his attacks and how tricky his maneuvers were, Finnegan could overcome them even though he seemed to struggle. 

How is this possible? This guy shouldn’t have possibly reached the Absolute Rank of Enigma Realm. How can he withstand my attacks for such a long time? 


As Eleazar grew increasingly furious and frustrated, his attacks became fiercer. However, he started to make errors. 

Finnegan remained calm as he skillfully neutralized Eleazar’s fierce a*saults. 

Provoked by his prolonged struggle with Finnegan, Eleazar could no longer contain his anger. “Just die already!” 

Finally, Eleazar unleashed his ultimate skills and launched a barrage of eighteen punches and eighteen kicks in a row. 

The continuous punching sounds made Stephen’s and Jace’s hearts race. 

Finnegan seemed to be struggling when facing the attack. He defended while retreating, and managed to withstand the wave of a*saults only after retreating four meters. 

The pupils of Eleazar, who had depleted a lot of his energy, dilated sharply, and he leaped backward temporarily. 

Panting lightly, he stared at Finnegan, whose expression remained unchanged. “What realm. are you in?” 

Up until now, not only did Finnegan show no signs of weakening, but he also didn’t reveal a trace of his realm aura. 

On the contrary, Eleazar had consumed a lot of his strength, leaving him with only about. seventy percent of his peak combat power. 

While clapping his hands casually, Finnegan said with a light tone, “Seems like you’ve almost run out of moves. It’s my turn now.” 

He shot forward like a bolt of lightning and closed in rapidly on Eleazar. 

The latter’s face changed drastically. Finnegan’s speed was making it difficult for him to react. 

Instinctively, he raised his right hand, but Finnegan grabbed it immediately. 

Eleazar reacted swiftly. He whipped out his right leg to force Finnegan to release his grip and step back. 

However, not only did Finnegan not release his grip, he raised his own right leg to counter 

Eleazar’s kick. 

With a loud thud, the two of them separated. 

Finnegan took three steps back and his brows furrowed slightly. 



On the other hand, Eleazar took five steps back. His face was pale, and cold sweat was already forming on his forehead. 

His right leg also trembled slightly. 

Logan’s l*ps curled upward. “The fight’s about to end.” 

“Again!” Finnegan yelled and charged at Eleazar once more, shifting from the defensive to the offensive side. 

He unleashed punches and kicks at such an incredible speed that they became a blur. 

Eleazar gritted his teeth and struggled to fight back. 

However, Finnegan’s blows were heavy. Every time Eleazar blocked the attacks, he felt intense pain in his limbs. 


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