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A Healer’s Journey (Finnegan and Nuthana) Novel novel Chapter 94

Chapter 94 Final Showdown 

“Bad news, Boss! Mr. Oscar and his fellow disciples are all dead!” the Chomsky family’s b*dyguard, who had been spared, shouted anxiously as he rushed into the Chomsky family- owned residential building. 

Tristan, who was awaiting the good news, came running out of the house. 

“What did you say?” 

“They’re dead! Mr. Oscar and the others have all been killed by Finnegan!” the b*dyguard replied in terror. 

What? How is that possible? 

Tristan trembled as he took a few steps back. 

He then ran up to the b*dyguard, grabbed him by the shoulders, and shook him violently as he yelled, “Eleazar is the head of the Goldberg Five! He’s an Enigma Realm fighter in Absolute Rank! How could he possibly get killed?” Tristan slapped the b*dyguard hard across the face. “Get lost! You must be lying to me!” 

Eleazar and the others were his trump card, so he couldn’t accept the fact that Finnegan had killed them. 

The b*dyguard rubbed his stinging cheek as he exclaimed, “I saw it with my own eyes, Boss! They really are dead!” 

Unable to accept that fact, Tristan kicked the b*dyguard down to the floor. “That’s impossible! You’re lying to me! How could you possibly have made it back alive if they were all dead?” 

He was in complete denial. 

Not wanting to get hit again, the b*dyguard didn’t dare say another word as he lay on the 


After taking his anger and frustration out on the b*dyguard, Tristan let out a sigh and sat down on the stairs behind him. He was so distraught that he didn’t even care if it was wet. “Are they all really dead?” 

As much as he refused to believe the b*dyguard’s statement, he knew the b*dyguard wouldn’t dare lie to him. 

“Yes, they are. They were no match for Finnegan at all, the b*dyguard replied cautiously 

Tristan looked as though he had aged ten years in an instant when he heard that. 

“F*ck… How did things turn out like this?” 

I thought killing Finnegan would be as easy as squashing an ant! Not only did I suffer huge losses as a result, but I’ve even lost my most powerful men to him! Is he really that powerful? Where has he been throughout the past five years? 

He was snapped out of his train of thought when the b*dyguard said softly, “Also, Finnegant wanted me to tell you to donate two billion and break Mr. Killian’s limbs by tomorrow, or he will destroy the Chomsky family completely.” 

“How dare he!” 

Tristan leaped to his feet and clenched his fists angrily when he heard that. 

“I think you should admit defeat, Boss. Not only is Finnegan really powerful, but he also has helpers,” the b*dyguard added hesitantly. 

Tristan’s eyes grew cold. “Helpers? Who are they?” 

“I don’t know who those people are, but Mr. Oscar said Finnegan has a Terra Realm fighter in Absolute Rank by his side!” The b*dyguard then steeled himself as he continued, “As such, I would like to tender my resignation, Boss.” 

Not wanting to die protecting the Chomsky family, the b*dyguard then turned around and ran off as quickly as his legs could carry him. 


A loud gunshot rang out, and the b*dyguard dropped dead a second later. 

“I paid you guys a lot of money so that you guys would protect me with your lives in times of danger. Don’t even think about fleeing without contributing anything!” Tristan said with a gun in his hand and a vicious look on his face. 

He glared at the remaining b*dyguards and let out a disdainful snort before heading back inside the house. 

Tristan’s expression grew increasingly vicious as he smashed a vase on the floor. “Finnegan has a Terra Realm fighter in Absolute Rank by his side? Could that be his mentor? Yes, that has to be the case! I mean, how else would he be so powerful? But so what if his mentor is a Terra Realin fighter in Absolute Rank? Does he really think he can destroy my life’s work? Not a chance! You forced me to do this, Finnegan! Just you wait!” 

Tristan was prepared to go all out for a final showdown. 


In order to avoid succumbing to Alisha’s temptation, Finnegan went straight back to Dragon Bay. 

The lights in the living room were on even though it was past eleven. 

Finnegan let out a sigh at the mere thought of his parents waiting for him as he entered. 

Sure enough, Desmond and Quiana were still awake with gloomy looks on their faces. 

“Mom, Dad, I’m home. Where’s Rhia?” he asked as he didn’t see Rhiannon’s car outside. 

Quiana shot Desmond a fierce glare and said, “Ask your father! He’s nothing but a slave when faced with his brother!” 

Finnegan had a bad feeling the moment he heard that. 

Although his parents had argued a lot in the past, he had never heard Quiana speak like that. 

Desmond, who could already start walking with the help of a crutch, said, “Mind your language when speaking in front of the kids, Quiana! I was just apologizing on behalf of Finny! What did I do wrong?” 

“Apologizing? You’re nothing but a slave when it comes to your brother! Raymond and his family deserved to have that marriage canceled! Ximena isn’t worthy of marrying into the Haimowitz family, so it only makes sense that they called off the marriage! Why should Finny be blamed for it? Why should we apologize to them? They’ve been bullying our family for so many years now! Have they ever apologized to us?” 

“I don’t have time to argue with an ignorant shrew like you!” Desmond looked the other way. 

Finnegan knew something was up the moment he heard Desmond use such abusive language toward Quiana. 

He quickly stepped in front of Quiana, who was about to lose her temper, and asked, “What happened, Mom? What did Uncle Raymond and his family do this time?” 


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