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A Healer’s Journey (Finnegan and Nuthana) Novel novel Chapter 98

Chapter 98 It Should Be Possible 


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“Don’t bullsh*t me, Finnegan. Otherwise, I’ll crush you without mercy!” Romona was skeptical upon hearing Finnegan’s words. 

Although Waylynn couldn’t say anything, the look in her eyes was obvious. 

She was of the same opinion as Romona. 

Both of them doubted Finnegan could treat such a severe burn. 

Xena and Adam, on the other hand, believed in him. 

In fact, Adam’s voice was trembling as he asked, “Is that true, Dr. Larkin?” 

“There’s no way it’s true, Uncle Adam. If even the world’s most famous organization can’t do it, how can he?” 

Finnegan frowned at Romona. “How about we raise the bet? If I really can treat her, you’ll perform an erotic dance for me.” 

It was a little inappropriate for him to say that in front of everyone. 

However, Finnegan didn’t care anymore, as Romona had expressed her skepticism toward him repeatedly. 

Romona spat, “You’re a shameless man!” 

“If you aren’t brave enough to accept the bet, then shut your mouth!” 

That provoked Romona further. “Fine! I accept it. Even if Waylynn only recovers halfway after you treat her, I’ll consider it your win! If you fail, I’ll beat you up. Then, once you recover, I’ll beat you up again!” 

Finnegan looked Romona’s amazing figure up and down and smirked. “Just remember I didn’t force you to say that.” 

“Save your words for later if you have what it takes to win.” 

Adam and Xena were exasperated. 

However, they didn’t feel they should intervene in an argument between young people. 

They pretended not to hear anything. 

“Mr. Larkin, can Waylynn really be restored to his former self? Can her skin and nerves really be regenerated?” 

Finnegan ignored his annoyance at Romona and answered Xena, “Have you ever seen a python shed its skin, a lobster changed its shell, and a lizard grow a new tail?” 

Xena and the others exchanged glances, unsure of how that was related to Waylynn’s burn. 

Noticing their confusion, Finnegan explained, “In reality, the human b*dy is capable of such ability, too. but it mostly only applies to hair, nails, and the like. Our regeneration ability isn’t as amazing as some 

Chapter 98 It Should Be Possible 

animals. However, what if we, through some special method, boost the effectiveness of that ability by hundreds of times? If that’s achieved, perhaps other parts of the human b*dy can regenerate like hair and 


Xena understood what Finnegan meant at once. “Are you saying you have a way to induce nerve, skin, and even limb regeneration. Mr. Larkin?” 

Romona and Adam widened their eyes. How is that possible? Isn’t the human b*dy incapable of regenerating anything else but nails and the like? 

Finnegan elaborated, “I don’t have the ability to restore lost limbs yet, but it should be possible for me to repair Ms. Wright’s skin fully.” 

Many methods of inducing regeneration were recorded within the medical section of Primordial Pharmacopoeia. 

In fact, the method of growing new skin tissues after a horrific burn was one of the easiest listed in the book. 

The medicine Gilbert was using could be applied to Waylynn, too, but it would take a year for her to recover with that approach. 

Adam’s eyes reddened, and he was about to kneel before Finnegan. “We’ll be counting on you to treat Waylynn, then, Dr. Larkin!” 

Finnegan swiftly prevented that from happening. “Ms. Wright was injured because she was protecting others. She deserves to receive my treatment, Mr. Wright.” 

Adam nodded. “Do we need to do anything to prepare?” 

“I’ll write down a list of ingredients for a formula. Please help me gather them and bring them to me. I’ll produce a unique ointment to be applied to Ms. Wright’s entire b*dy. Right now, I’ll soften the scabs on her b*dy so the ointment will be effective when I apply it to her later.” 

Xena was shocked. “You can soften these scabs, Mr. Larkin?” 

After all, the scabs were tight and tough. 


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