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A Miracle Fault novel Chapter 34

Before she could finish, Stefan kissed on her lips hard again.

Emmeline's mind went blank when he suddenly kissed her. At the moment, someone knocked the door.

"Master Stefan, Mrs. Stefan, time for breakfast."

Emmeline was stunned. She immediately pushed him away. Stefan raised his eyes to stare at her, looking intoxicated, "Sweetheart…"

"Get up! Someone knocked the door!"

"Just leave her alone!"

Half an hour later, Emmeline pushed him to go downstairs. While Edison looked quite sullen when having breakfast.

He looked up at Stefan. Then he shifted to look at Emmeline, who seemed to be stiff. Then he sighed and kept silent.

The birthday banquet was held on time. Though Edison didn't invite many guests, all those big shots from the upper class and all senior managers of the Byrne Group had attended.

Edison only announced to the public that Stefan was the biggest shareholder of the group. But he didn't announce the final inheritor of the president.

Frank squinted while trying hard to suppress his anger. Then he looked at Nicholas and nodded at him. When seeing that, Nicholas walked out of the horde of guests and strode towards Edison, "Mr. Edison, I would like to express my true blessing for your eightieth birthday on behalf of my family! Now you can finally shift your work to your grandson."

"Yeah, Mr. Edison, we have been waiting for you to announce the name of the next president. Would you make it today?" Mr. Lee smiled weirdly. Of course, he was one of the henchmen of Frank.

When hearing that, Nicholas turned to be livid. He then stared at Nicholas with his sharp eyes, "I will announce the name of the next president in June. Today is my birthday! And I don't want to talk about business! Now I just want to have a family talk with Mr. Nicholas."

Nicholas was stunned. Then he hurried to look at Emmeline, who was standing beside the wheelchair.

Emmeline, who stood behind Stefan, looked tiny and weak as his shadow shed on her. While Stefan was looking at her.

Nicholas had been afraid during the past month. When he knew that his wife sent Emmeline to the island, he had a serious quarrel with her. He had been worried if Emmeline would be exposed. Once Edison was pissed off, the whole Campbell Family would be stroke hard.

However, it had been a month. Emmeline wasn't sent back home. Meanwhile, he was invited to attend the birthday banquet of Edison.

As Anayah had been begging him to mention about the inheritor of the president of Byrne Group during the banquet, besides, since Anayah would still marry Frank sooner or later, he deemed that Edison wouldn't be mad even though he did so.

What was more, since Emmeline had been still kept on the island. He deemed that she should get along well with Stefan. So Nicholas mustered up courage to mention about the candidate of the next president. However, he didn't expect that Edison actually got mad.

Nicholas then looked at Stefan, who was sitting on his wheelchair idly, looking emotionless but mysterious. His dark eyes seemed to be glittering with coldness, making Nicholas chilled.

Though Stefan was a cripple on the wheelchair, he looked dominant just like a king. Emmeline was still standing behind him quietly.

'Emmeline, you look thinner!' Nicholas felt a bit sorry for her.

"Mr. Nicholas, ever since Anayah married Stefan, you haven't come to visit your daughter. Today it's time for both of you to have a family talk." Edison squinted at Nicholas with sharp eyes.


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