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A Miracle Fault novel Chapter 35

While everyone was looking at them with great surprise, Edison pushed Stefan into the elevator, "Chand!"

"Here I am, sir!"

Chand, who was wearing a black suit, walked over with a smile.

"From now on, you work for Stefan as his assistant. And tell him something about the group!"

"Yes, sir!" Chand answered and then smiled at Stefan, "Master Stefan, my name is Chand Well. Just call me Chand."

Stefan nodded. The three of them walked into the elevator and went upstairs.

While the other guests were all standing still, looking stunned.

As Stefan announced that he would be back to work for the Byrne Group, Edison was really thrilled. He even made his own assistant Stefan's. Undoubtedly, Edison not only cared much about Stefan, but also had high expectation for him.

When seeing that, Frank clenched his fists hard. His eyes turned to be bloodshot, 'Fine! Grandpa, not only did you allow him to be back, but also gave away your assistant!'

Obviously, Edison preferred Stefan to Frank.

Frank let out a sneer. He would like to see how his crippled brother was going to fight against him in the group! Even if he managed to work hard, Frank would still conspire to force him out.

While the others were looking at Frank with confusion, he just nodded, "Guys, enjoy yourself! I need to deal with some other business."

As he reached the yard outside, he raised his eyes to stare at the study, looking vicious.

Under the grape trellis outside the villa, both Emmeline and Nicholas were standing there. Nicholas looked around and then hurried to her side and grabbed her shoulders, "Emmeline, are you okay? I am so sorry! Are you good living on the island? Did Stefan force you?"

Emmeline raised her head and looked at him. Her eyes were blurred with tears, "Dad, I am fine. But they all know the truth that I am not Anayah! Dad, please don't lie to Grandpa Edison! Tell him the truth!"

"What? They all know the truth? Did they retaliate against you?" Nicholas looked at her with his eyes wide opened.

Emmeline nodded, "Dad, I know I was wrong to marry Stefan as the substitute of Anayah. They have the right to punish me. After all, I am the fake one. Dad, I just hope that you can confess in front of Grandpa Edison. Perhaps he would forgive us then as Anayah would still marry Frank sooner or later."

"Emmeline, you are right. I will talk to Mr. Edison. After Anayah marries Frank, we will still be united like a family. But Emmeline, sorry to you make you suffer!" Nicholas said with great guilt.

Emmeline shook her head, "Dad, I am good. I could feel that Stefan is a good man. Though he is a bit weird, he is a man with kind nature. When he knew the truth, he didn't punish me. Instead, he helped to protect me and kept it a secret for me. I will take care of him till he stands up again."

Nicholas looked into her firm eyes. He seemed to feel that his little daughter grew up.

"Okay, Emmeline, I will go to confess in front of Mr. Edison. After all, it's our fault. No matter what kind of request they will mention, we will accept it."

After saying that, Nicholas turned around and entered the mansion. While Ciara, who hid herself beside to eavesdrop, smiled mockingly, 'Nicholas Campbell! What a plan! If it weren't for the fact that Frank loved Anayah, we would have uprooted your family!'

When Nicholas was about to knocked the door of the study, the voice of Edison sounded, "Stefan, if you are willing to work for the group, I will get everything prepared! Besides, I will announce in the board meeting next month to all that you will be the next president!"

When hearing that, Nicholas was stunned, 'He wants to make Stefan the next president?'

"Grandpa, I have just come back. I don't want to be the president so soon! Besides, Frank should take the position."

"Don't talk about him! I know what he was thinking!" Edison roared.

Nicholas immediately stepped back to go downstairs.

He knew that it would only made things worse if he chose to confess now.


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