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A Miracle Fault novel Chapter 4

Agnes immediately put it back on Emmeline's hands, "here you go." Then she turned around and stared at Antonio, pretending to be mad.

"Come on, you are so biased! Why do you only offer the gift to Emmeline? What about us?" Agnes stared at Antonio with her big eyes. Her hair was short but beautiful.

Seeing that Emmeline took it box and put it into her bag, Antonio looked at her with a smile.

He totally indulged himself into happiness. He held her hands, looking caring. Then he turned around and said to Agnes, "Your Mr. Right will present you the gift when you find him!"

"Wow, how infatuated!" Lena also pretended to be a bit mad.

Antonio just turned his back on them and took Emmeline out of the gate, "Emmeline, let's go. Let me walk your home."

"No, thanks. You are going to practice your soccer skills, right? I remember that there will be a match next week." Emmeline followed him out of the gate with a blushed face.

"Come on, walking you home is more important. Emmeline, I will graduate a year later. When I settle down in America, you will graduate too. When the day comes, let's be together, okay?"

Antonio was the Prince Charming of all girls in the university. He was about 6 feet tall. When Emmeline was admitted to the university a year ago, he was crazily infatuated with her.

From then on, he did all his best to chase after her. Half a year later, Emmeline was finally moved by him and agreed to be his girlfriend.

Antonio was so thrilled at that moment. Then they started a heated relationship in the campus. Because of jealousy, all the other girls in the university hated Emmeline and refused to talk to her. Only Agnes and Lena still remained to be her best friends.

All of them had sworn to stay together as best friends for a lifetime and share everything they had.

Soon, Emmeline and Antonio reached the gate of Byrne Mansion while walking and talking happily.

"Emmeline, time to go home. See you tomorrow." Antonio lowered his head to kiss on her forehead.

Smiling, she stared at this sunny boy with a bag on his back. A trace of sweetness slowly rose in her heart.

All her difficulties had gone since she met him. She was really grateful to him for the happiness he brought to her.

"Time to go back, Antonio." She waved at him, "See you tomorrow!"

"Bye!" Antonio stood still with his back on the sunset, smiling tenderly. The love even surged up on his face.

Seeing that Emmeline walked into the mansion, he then turned around and left.

When she just walked in, she saw Lucia and Anayah sitting on the couch. She noticed, "Mom, sis. I am back."

When she was about to go upstairs to finish her homework, she was suddenly stopped by Lucia, "Emmeline, come over here. Let's have a talk."

Emmeline put down the bag and sat opposite them, looking cautious. Staring at her, Lucia seemed to be evil.

"Emmeline, how long have you been here? What do you think about the family?" Lucia fixed her eyes on her. Seeing that Emmeline was more and more beautiful as she grew up, she was even more jealous.

"I have been here for 15 years. Mom, I feel good here." She raised her watery eyes, which were blue and glowing like shining stars in the night sky. Her delicate face, tiny nose and rosy lips were really ravishing and intoxicating.

Lucia suddenly glared at her, "You are lying!"

"You have been living a tough life here! But you said you felt good? Emmeline, now here is a nice choice expecting you, by which you can leave here and live a better life."


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