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A Miracle Fault novel Chapter 5

Of course, Nicholas would never make her marry no matter whoever the bridegroom would be.

Emmeline stared at her father, who turned around exhaustedly, "Why? Dad, it should be a marriage between Anayah and Frank, but why is the bridegroom Stefan?"

Nicholas turned to look at her and sighed, "Actually, it was indeed a wedding between your sister and Frank. However, the Byrne family required that it should be Stefan to marry your sister. As you can see, your sister is reluctant to do so. She even resisted with the cost of her own life. So your mom wants you to be a substitute."

"Don't worry. I won't force you. Just focus on your study." Nicholas stood up and walked upstairs.

When seeing the lone and frustrated back of her father, Emmeline couldn't help feeling sad. Besides Antonio whom she met half a year ago, her father had been her only spiritual anchor.

She could fail anyone else in her life except for her father. She sat on the couch silently. Half an hour later, she heard a heated quarrel sounding in her parent's bedroom.

The sound of crashing and smash was getting stronger and stronger. Emmeline stared at the door of the room upstairs, powerless.

Soon, Nicholas walked out of the bedroom and slammed the door shut.

When he went down stairs, he noticed that Emmeline was still sitting on the couch. He was a bit stunned and walked over, "Emmeline, why don't you go to bed?"

He sat opposite her while holding his own head with both hands, looking haggard.

Emmeline wanted to say something more. But she just stood up and answered, "Okay, I am going to bed."

Nicholas didn't go upstairs for sleep for the whole night.

A few days later, Emmeline was suddenly woken up while sleeping. She saw Lucia as soon as she opened her eyes, who looked flustered.

"Emmeline, please, just marry Stefan for your sister! Anayah already ran away. But the Byrne Family is going to send their people to pick up the bride. If they knew that your sister had fled, they would definitely retaliate against us!"

"Emmeline, you don't want your dad's company to collapse, right? Only when you marry him could we stay safe and sound. Please, just make it a return to pay back my efforts to bring you up."

Lucia kept crying while sitting on her bed.

Emmeline kept her head down, "But, mom, they only asked for Anayah. If you found out that we were lying, it would only make things worse."

Lucia held her head tightly, "Stefan Byrne has been staying on that island for more than ten years. He is just a cripple. After you marry him, you would only need to take care of him. Half a year later, you are free to leave. Emmeline, only you can save your dad and bail out our family. Do you want to see your dad being haunted by troubles?"

Emmeline stared at the sunrise. She had no idea what to do. If what Lucia told her was true, she could leave half a year later. For the sake of her dad, she was willing to marry him as a substitute of Anayah.

However, what about Antonio? She still had to go to study in the campus. If she married Stefan, she would have no chance to study anymore as she was disguising herself as Anayah.

When seeing that Emmeline still remained silent, Lucia cried again, "Emmeline, it's okay if you want to refuse. After all, both your dad and I have been getting older. Now it's time for you and Anayah to support the family. Both your dad and I are willing to sacrifice for both of you! We just hope you to be happy."

While speaking, she wiped away her tears and was about to leave the room. It suddenly reminded Emmeline of the day when she was taken to this house by her dad at the age of five. While Nicholas was holding her in his arms and told her, "Emmeline, this is your mom and Anayah is your sister. We are family from now on."

Perhaps she still had no right to decide on her own, but she would never fail her dad and she didn't want to see the sad face of him. The only one she wanted to protect in the world was none other than her dad.

"Okay, I agree." She said softly to Lucia.


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