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A Miracle Fault novel Chapter 68

"What's this?" While holding the file, Emmeline bent down out of curiosity and was about to pick up the piece of paper.

But before her hand could touch the paper, Stefan, who was sitting in the wheelchair, was a step ahead of her and picked it up right away.

It was just that when Stefan's gaze reached the piece of paper, his expression did not look quite the same.

Almost subconsciously, he turned the paper over with the back facing up. Then he said coldly, "Nothing. Just something from before. It's late. You are probably tired. Why don't you head back and rest? I still have some work to do."

Compared to a moment ago when Stefan was gentle, no matter how slow Emmeline was, she could feel that he was different.

Emmeline's mood immediately dropped because of Stefan's sudden change.

After listening to Stefan's words, she smiled disappointedly and then said, "Okay, then I'll head back."

He was the one who asked her to accompany him as he worked. Now he was the one who drove her away because there was something he did not want her to see.

It was too bad that she saw what was on that piece of paper.

What a beautiful girl. They must have shared a special relationship for Stefan to hide her portrait on the bookshelf.

She knew it: how could Stefan like her? No matter who he liked, he would not like her.

"Emmeline..." Stefan would actually say suddenly and ask Emmeline to come back. But it was true that there was a part of him that he did not want Emmeline to see.

But he lost his temper for a while and went back on his word, making Emmeline leave.

When Emmeline also agreed to leave and he saw her lonely back, he suddenly felt that he might have crossed the line.

So Stefan almost subconsciously called out to Emmeline. He wanted to explain to her so that she would not misunderstand.

It was just that when Stefan called out to her, it was obviously too late. Emmeline had already left the room and turned the corner. He could no longer see her back.

As a result, Stefan could not help but mutter quietly, "She wouldn't become angry, right? After all, she probably doesn't know what's on this paper."

As he thought about it, he felt bad for venting his emotions on Emmeline.

He looked down at the person he had drawn on paper many years ago. After so many years, she was still young and beautiful.

But his heart would never hurt as much as it did when she just left. Because at that time, she did take care of him very well.

Stefan did not waste any more time and only placed the portrait back on the bookshelf. He then finished the rest of his work and returned to the bedroom.

When Stefan's wheelchair entered the bedroom, Emmeline, who had already taken a shower, was sitting on the couch in the bedroom reading a book.

Hearing the sound of Stefan coming in, she looked up at Stefan, who entered the room in a wheelchair, and had a blank expression on her face.

Stefan was always like this. He had mood swings. Before he spoke, Emmeline dared not say anything. It would do her no good in case she provoked him.

"Um, I finished work." As he looked at Emmeline, who gazed at him, Stefan felt a bit guilty because of what had happened in the study just now and broke the silence.

Recently, Emmeline has been a good girl. He did not want to make her unhappy because of other things.


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