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A Miracle Fault novel Chapter 69

He was the president of the Byrne Group, and he had many people under his control. How could he possibly like her, a woman without power or wealth, and depended on others?

Why should she be upset by him hiding someone else's profile? Why should she feel sad because of him? And why should she expect him to save her when she was in danger?

'Emmeline, wake up. Stefan doesn't like you. Get real!' Emmeline said to herself.

It was the first time that Stefan had seen Emmeline lose her temper in front of him.

So Stefan was frowning, not knowing what to say.

He watched Emmeline walk to the bedroom door, looking angry. Her eyes were red and she looked like she was about to cry.

Stefan, of course, couldn't have let her go.

He reached out and took Emmeline's hand as she passed by. Then he frowned and said in a low voice, "Don't make a fuss. I was wrong. I'm sorry. We're husband and wife, so of course we sleep together. Why should you sleep in the guest room?"

Emmeline used to bear it when he was in a bad mood and lost temper. Even if she felt wronged, she would endure it.

But today she was not herself, as if being depressed. She said she was going to sleep in the guest room. Stefan was really pissed off.

These days Emmeline stayed in Sweedal Residence. Was she still thinking about Antonio?

Otherwise, what would make the good Emmeline suddenly angry?

"Are we husband and wife? Stefan, your wife is Anayah. You don't like me, so why do you pester me?" Being pulled by Stefan, Emmeline knew she couldn't get rid of Stefan, so she didn't struggle.

Standing there, with red eyes, she looked at him very seriously.

Although she knew she might offend him by mentioning Anayah, but she couldn't help it.

"That's enough!" As Emmeline had expected, Stefan, sitting in his wheelchair, growled.

The pair of deep eyes, sharp as swords, looked up at Emmeline.

"I told you not to talk about me and Anayah! You, Emmeline, are my wife! I will give you the identity you deserve. You don't have to goad me over and over again!" said Stefan word by word.

Each time Emmeline said so, she would deny that she was his wife. It made Stefan very, very uncomfortable.

He couldn't figure out the reason why Emmeline said so was because she was jealous, or she hated him for not being able to stand up.

It turned out that Stefan thought she was forcing him.

Emmeline couldn't help laughing at Stefan's words.


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