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Accidental Surrogate for Alpha novel Chapter 140


“This isn’t fair.” I complain, sitting naked in the back of the limo, glaring at Sinclair. “You said you would claim me if I shifted.”

“Greedy mate.” He teases, kissing the soft spot behind my ear. “I didn’t say I would do it in the middle of the forest.”

He hadn’t, but I was still very displeased when – instead of ravishing me the moment I finished the painful but brief shift back into being a human – he pulled me to my feet and strolled back to the waiting cars and guards. “I don’t see why not.” I grumble, “I like the forest.”

“Because we’d be too exposed in the forest, I wouldn’t be able to really enjoy myself because I’d be too on my guard.” He answers in a low rumble. “And it’s our first real time together, I’m not going to make love to you up against a tree.”

“Then how are you going to do it?” I ask, peeking up at him and discovering his eyes already glue to my sulking features. “In the back of a limo, maybe?” I suggest, stroking his muscular thigh and batting my lashes.

“No, you naughty thing.” He chuckles, pulling me a little closer, even though we’re already flush. He pauses to claim my lips, then trails kisses over my jaw until his warm breath is fluttering over my ear. “I’m going to take you home and lay you out on my bed–”

“My nest.” I correct him, not caring for this mischaracterization.

Sinclair emits a wordless rumble, heavy with amusement. “Fine then. In your nest. I’ll lay you out like my own personal feast, and then I’m going to kiss every last inch of your lovely body before I even consider touching your sweet pussy.” He declares, his deep voice turning my entire body into liquid fire. “And when you’re so desperate and needy that you’re all but begging for relief, I’m going to make a home between your legs and absolutely gorge myself on your honey. I’m going to make you come so many times that you think you can’t take any more pleasure… and then I’m going to prove you wrong.”

His big hands trail over my naked body as he speaks, stroking and caressing me with such intense focus that I feel like I’m the only thing in the world… in his world. Suddenly I understand why he hadn’t wanted to do this in the forest, where he has to worry about safety or privacy, where he can’t disappear into the moment. “And every time you beg me to go faster, I’m just going to go slower.” He continues darkly, sending delicious shivers down my spine. No one has ever spoken to me this way, and there’s something about it that feels so forbidden that I can’t help but feel even more turned on. “And when I finally drive my cock into you, and stretch your tight little sex until you’re full to bursting, I’ll let my wolf take over.”

Oh Goddess, I think, my body flushed and smoldering simply from listening to him speak. Is it possible to climax from words alone?

“I’m going to take you so fiercely, so ruthlessly, that your own wolf is going to come to absolute pieces.” Sinclair states huskily. “I’m going to possess you so completely that you won’t even feel whole again unless I’m inside you.” I shudder and he purrs, cupping my breast and brushing his thumb over my beaded nipple. “That’s right, gorgeous. I’m going to make you crave me as wildly as I crave you, and only when I’ve brought you to another climax on my cock, when I’ve gotten so lost in your beautiful body that I won’t be able to hold back any longer – will I claim you.”

Sinclair drops his head to the spot where my neck meets my shoulder, grazing his teeth over my sensitive skin. He closes his fangs over my flesh, applying gentle pressure, and my wolf begins howling with need. How can a man touching such an innocent spot cause so much pleasure? So much desire?

I whine aloud when he releases me, and an amused rumble accompanies his next words. “I’ll bring you back to the edge and sink my fangs deep. I’ll claim you as my one and only mate for the rest of our lives… the force of the bond will scare you, but you won’t have to worry because I’ll be right there, holding you tight.” He promises, filling me with an entirely different kind of warmth. “It will send us both into the fucking stratosphere, and when it’s over we’ll sleep for a while, but then we’re going to wake up and do it over, and over, and over again.”


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