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Accidental Surrogate for Alpha novel Chapter 141


Sinclair is towering over me, his wolf eyes glowing as he watches me work through my feelings. I gnaw on my lower lip as I try to find the bravery to ask him for what I want, and he purrs deep in his chest, cupping my cheek and tugging my lip free of my sharp little teeth. He doesn’t rush me, doesn’t make demands, he simply lets me process the dilemma and keeps me from breaking my skin with my new fangs. His gentle affection gives me the confidence I need, and I shift a bit closer, craving his steady strength.

“Can I please touch you?” I inquire shakily, peeking up at him from beneath my lashes.

“Touch me where?” Sinclair replies, his deep bass vibrating through my overheated body as his lip quirks up.

I feel as though I’ve been doused in boiling water, and I’m sure he knows it. “Here.” I say, gesturing to the huge hard member between his legs.

“Uh-uh trouble, if you want to do it, you’ve got to give me the words.” Sinclair replies, stroking my spine with his free hand. “It’s just you and me, angel. There’s nothing to be afraid of.”

“Please, Dominic.” I try again, licking my lips, “Can I touch… your c-cock.”

Part of me wishes the floor would open up and swallow me whole, but the member in question pulses as the word leaves my tongue, and I’m amazed to realize that I have such a powerful effect on this man. He holds the entire world in his palm, but one word from me and his body responds

“See now, that wasn’t so bad, was it?” Sinclair purrs, gazing down at me with such pure adoration that I forget my embarrassment. “Of course you can touch me, Ella.”

I start slowly, tracing my fingers over his thick length and running my thumb over the purple head, curiously exploring the sinewy contours and feeling bolder by the minute. I can feel the muscles in Sinclair’s chest and shoulders tense in response to my ministrations, but he doesn’t say a word. When I look up I discover that his eyes are on my face rather than my hand, and when I close my fist around him he has to smother a satisfied groan. I pump my hand up and down the considerable length, loving the way his hands tighten on my body in response. Sinclair hisses in a breath of air, dropping his head to the curve of my neck and kissing my throat, breathing in my scent. “Goddess, I love you.” He mutters, his wolf making the most delightful grumbly sounds of contentment and desire. “My mate, all mine.”

I gingerly drop to my knees, and I’m genuinely shocked when Sinclair goes from tender affection to sudden foreboding. He tangles his huge hand in my hair, pulling my head back, “And just what do you think you’re doing?” He demands ominously, his dominance rolling off of his massive form in powerful waves.

“I-I was going to use my mouth.” I murmur, suddenly feeling unsure of myself.

“I don’t recall you asking permission.” He answers, arching a skeptical brow.

My wolf quivers and roils at once, and I notch my chin up defiantly, “Can I use my mouth?” I say, but my tone is less of a question and more of a challenge.

Sinclair’s eyes flash dangerously and he shakes his head, calling my bluff. “Use it how? Do you want to kiss it?

A wave of pure Alpha power has me shuddering with submissive instinct, and I know exactly what he wants to hear me say. If I wasn’t so drunk on passion I might not be brave enough to manage it, but I’m beyond the point of no return now. “Please Dominic,” I gasp deliriously. “I want to suck your cock.”

He nods in approval, guiding my lips to the flared tip of his manhood. “Go on then, beautiful.” As I swipe my tongue over a bead of moisture emerging from his slit, I revel in the way I’m able to enjoy being complimented. For so long, comments about my looks only brought my trauma to the surface, but I feel so safe with Sinclair that I’m able to enjoy being admired for the first time in my life.

After lapping my way along his length, I close my lips around the head of Sinclair’s huge cock, sucking in my cheeks and pulling him into my mouth. Sinclair hisses with obvious pleasure, and I feel so utterly powerful. It’s one thing when such a formidable being chooses to get down on his knees for you, and another entirely to bring him there through your own vigor – to make him lose control with a simple touch.


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