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Accidental Surrogate for Alpha novel Chapter 381

#Chapter 381 – Persistence


I wake up frowning, knowing immediately that something is…well, not wrong, but certainly off. I reach out an arm, seeking Ella, but my hand passes over cold sheets. My frown deepens as I sit up and realize that she’s not here. A glance at Rafes bassinet makes it clear that he’s not here either.

Where the hell is my family?

I sigh, swinging my legs out of the bed, wondering how much time has passed. As I scrub a hand down my face I consider that it can’t have been much – there’s still no daylight peeking around the blinds. So, a few hours a most. But why the hell hasn’t she come to bed?

I stand and head for the door, wondering what the hell trouble is getting up to now. I smirk a little to consider it. Ella…well, it’s part of her appeal, isn’t it? She’s always up to something. I’ll certainly never be bored by her side.

The hallway outside my room is empty but I head down it towards where I hear a few murmuring voices. But when I turn into the room, I’m surprised because the first person I see is my father, sitting quietly in his chair by the door, staring into the room.

We don’t say anything to each other as I lean against the doorway by his side, because we’re both aware that I didn’t come here seeking him. I give him a nod and place a hand on his shoulder as my eyes turn to her – Ella, across the room, my infant son sleeping pressed against her chest while she holds her hands out over one of my wounded men, healing him.

“She’s going to wear herself out,” my father says quietly.

“How long has she been at it?”

“Hours,” he says, shaking his head. ” She’s been burning her candle at both ends for days, Dominic. She’s…very dedicated, she wants to do good. But she gives too much.”

I nod, understanding, agreeing silently. My kind mate with her big heart she can’t stop giving, even if it means giving all of herself. But that’s where I come in. It’s my job to take care of her, when she’d burn herself out taking care of the whole world if I let her.

I stand for a few long moments with my father, watching her work, knowing it won’t do any good to interrupt her in the middle of her task. I’m content to wait in silence, but my father surprises me with his next words.

“I’m so sorry, Dominic,” he says, his voice thick with grief.

Shocked, I look down at him. “What?”

He just shakes his head slowly, looking up at me with such regret –

“I almost cost you – cost us everything. I played right into the enemy’s hands and risked your mate, your child -” He covers his face with his hand, unable to look at me. “I failed you, Dominic -”

“Stop that,” I snap, tightening my hand on his shoulder.

“It was so stupid, to send you away and leave Cora and Ella unprotected – I should have seen it coming, that of course they would follow us back to the bunker after the first attack in the sewer that of course they were just biding their time – Xander has nothing but time -”

“Enough,” I growl, starting to get angry with him. “This was not your fault, dad -”

“It was my plan – ”

“It was our plan!” My voice comes out louder, harsher than I meant it to. But my dad just looks up at me, more helpless than I’ve seen him…maybe ever.

“We all agreed to this, dad,” I continue, working hard to bring my voice back down to a calmer register. ” Me, Roger, Ella, Cora – all of our men, the whole team. We all fell for it, we were all…” I sigh, shutting my eyes and reliving the shame that flooded me the moment I realized that Xander was working to trap us in that house, that he was going after the girls and the baby. “We all messed up, almost cost ourselves everything. You are not alone.”


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