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Accidental Surrogate for Alpha novel Chapter 382

#Chapter 382 – Future Plans Ella

It takes days to finish healing all of the men – long days with Cora and Hank by my side, explaining the intricate details of the wounds. We’ve found that it helps me concentrate the gift more completely when I know what is wrong that it helps me to stitch all of the flesh together neatly instead of just throwing a bunch of power at it and hoping that it sticks.

The gift itself does not deplete – I feel no lessening of it as I continue to use it for hours on end, day after day – but I certainly feel the toll on my own body as the days pass. It’s good work and I don’t mind doing it, but healing men, being the mother to a newborn, and mate to a man who will soon be crowned King of our little war-torn country? It’s…a lot.

Sinclair tried to help at first, standing with me while I performed my work, but eventually I shooed him off with the baby because I knew his energies would be better put elsewhere and that he could concentrate on Rafe better than I can when I spend half the day in a meditative state. And I also knew that it was driving Sinclair a little crazy, just standing there watching me, trying to be supportive.

But now, as I finish up turning the final patch of burned skin on the final soldier smooth and clear, I stand up with a smile, brushing my hands against my leggings and wondering where he is.

“Thank you, Luna,” the soldier says, and I beam down at him happily.

“Glad to do it. Hopefully you get some lighter service, though,” I say, cocking my head as I smile at him. “Fancy being a secretary at all?”

He laughs and shakes his head, running a hand over the freshly-healed skin and marveling at it. “Not a chance, Luna,” he says. “I’m a fighter, through and through. I’ll go back on the field for you and the Alpha any day.”

“Well, hopefully not anytime soon, “I sigh, patting him on the shoulder and turning away to go look for my mate.

I feel quite light, suddenly, at the realization that it’s done. Hank gives me a wave from across the room where he’s consulting with some of the men who are going to need physical therapy after their wounds the healing does great things, but it doesn’t do everything – and I happily wave back as I pass out of the room, heading to the back of the clinic where Roger and Sinclair have tended to meet.

I sigh a little as I look around the clinic as I pass through it. We haven’t left in days, instead turning it into a little barrack in itself. And honestly, part of me is very pleased to be done with this so that we can get out of here. I’m incredibly grateful for this place, for letting it be a place of healing but…well, I want to go home. I want to sleep in my big bed and tuck my little baby into his bassinet. I want a normal night’s sleep.

But then I remember that…well, that the last time we left that bedroom there were corpses all over it. And I honestly have no idea what state it’s in now – did Sinclair like…send someone to clean it up? Or are they just… rotting…

I stick out my tongue a little in disgust and turn my mind away from the question as I arrive at the door in the back. But still the sentiment is there. I’m dying to get home. I miss my normal life.

But what even was my normal life anymore? Did it exist? Or did Xander wipe it all out when he came for my son?

I sigh, giving a little knock on the door as I push it open.

Four dark heads look up at me and smile as I come into the room, and I laugh a little again at the sight of my tiny baby strapped in his carrier across my gigantic mate’s chest. He just looks so small against the wide expanse of Sinclair’s body.

“There he is,” I say, giving everyone a nod but fixing my eyes on my son as I move over to him. “And how is my baby doing?”

“I’m great,” Sinclair says, grabbing my hand before I can touch the baby and pulling me to his warm side, pretending a jealousy that makes me laugh.

“Well, I’m glad to hear that,” I say, standing on my tiptoes to kiss him on the cheek before starting to unstrap Rafe from Sinclair’s body, wanting him in my arms.

“Are you all finished, Ella?” Henry asks. Roger stands up straight and tucks his hands into his pockets, listening curiously.

“Yes!” I say with a cheerful sigh, bouncing my happy baby a little in my arms. “Everyone is finally all patched up.”

“Incredible,” Henry says with a marvelous smile that warms me from the inside out. He’s been so dour lately – it’s good to see him smile. “That kind of turnaround after that level of wounds – it’s quite miraculous.”

“Powerful,” Roger adds, his brow lifting. “Imagine what you could do if you were actually on a battlefield, turning soldiers around…”


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