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After Being Cheating novel Chapter 221

While leaning against his car, Daniel lit a cigarette and started to smoke, without showing the slightest intention of coming to Janet.

The two had been in a stalemate for more than ten minutes now, when Janet's cell phone suddenly rang. She slid the answer button, and said, "Bill."

Bill asked anxiously, "Janet, are you home now?" He had waited for a long time for her call.

Janet felt a touch of guilt, and answered him, "Yes, I've just arrived." She took her bag, got out of the car, and then locked it.

She started walking towards the villa, But before she could reach the villa, Daniel held the cigarette between his lips and stepped in front of her.

Janet then quickly hung up the phone and put it back in her bag.

"Please, get out of my way!" She raised her head and defiantly looked at the man, and Daniel's face instantly darkened.

He grabbed her neck, tight.

Janet could hardly breathe, and she tried to kick on his leg.

But Daniel stepped back a pace and escaped from her attack.

"My daughter." He whispered her name near her ear.

"If you want my child, then you have to kill me first." She wasn't afraid of him, and she wondered whether he would ever dare to kill her.

Daniel laughed and let go of her neck. He came closer to her again, and said, "There are more than ten persons around us."

Janet glanced around and doubtfully nodded.

"What would you say if I did something to you in front of them?" He then stopped talking to her, pulled her wrists, and dragged her into his car.

Thinking of her daughter, Janet eventually gave up, struggling.

Daniel got very angry and pinned her against the car with his big hands gripping her waist.

He bent down to her face and gave her a lingering kiss. The scene was so hot that everyone present there could not help but look away.

Shirley, who was the one nearest to them, stepped a few steps back, flurried. She took out her cell phone and just started looking through it, hysterically.

She opened a recording, which sounded very harsh in the silence of the night. "Do you think I really like Daniel? A stud like him is not even worth my attention and care. I have a lot more suitors than you think, and Daniel isn't the best among them!"

The man's lips were still pressed on Janet's, and they opened their eyes at the exact same time. They didn't kiss anymore, but just stared at each other.

Daniel's eyes were full of coldness and disappointment, while Janet's were filled with anger and bewilderment.

"I'm… Sorry, I didn't know… what was happening!" Shirley muted her cell phone and a sudden silence fell between all of them.

His hands, which were against the door, were clenched into fists.

Janet's hands uncontrollably pulled Daniel's shirt, squeezed it tight, and then let it go. Her arms held around the man's neck.

Daniel drew her arms apart, and the two separated, with a short distance drawn between them.

The man muttered the words, "Fuck off!"

When she heard him, Janet couldn't speak anymore because of her aching heart.

Passing Daniel, Janet walked up to Shirley, who suddenly stepped a few steps back when she saw her coming towards her.

"Bitch!" said Janet. Janet lifted her right hand and slapped Shirley across the face hard.

Janet was so angry with her that she tried slapping her again.

But then her hand was held, and when she turned around, the man threw it out of his strong grip.

Janet stumbled. If she hadn't held on to the car next to her, she might have fallen to the ground.

She burst into anger, and said, "Why are you so angry? You don't love me either, do you? Am I wrong about that? Huh?"

Daniel turned his head, and while staring at her, said, "Janet, you're the last person in the world that I would fall in love with!"

Silence fell again.


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