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After Being Cheating novel Chapter 222

C Country

At the Tianye Men headquarters, Janet sat in the main chair, while she sternly stared at the people standing in front of her.

The leader that was in charge of their business in C Country, Jason Cheng, told Janet, "Miss Janet, these guys are the ones who have been dealing with drugs using the Tianye Men name."

She addressed at Jason in a very serious manner. "Since when are we, the Tianye Men, involved in the drug business?"

As far as she was concerned, the Tianye Men had never done any illegal business or trades. Any unlawful activities would be taken pretty seriously once she had found out about them.

Jason opened his mouth awkwardly, and said, "Never."

"With this kind of insignificant matters you can deal with yourself." And with these words, Janet stood up from her chair, because she didn't want to waste her time there anymore.

Jason quickly called out to her, "Miss Janet, I will handle the drug issue here, but..." He leaned towards her, and whispered in her ear, "I found the sign of the Black Moon Gangster on them."

'Black Moon Gangster?' Janet recalled that Caspar had once told her about them when she was back in Z Country.

The Black Moon Gangster was a cruel and violent gang from Z Country, and they had constant conflicts with the Tianye Men in the recent years, their aim being to crush them from the face of the Earth.

Janet raised her voice, and asked, "Jason, is this the first time that these people had made mistakes?"

Jason nodded.

"Well, they can be spared this time, since it's their first time violating our rules. Next time we catch them, we'll deal with them according to the Tianye Men rules."

Janet's words made Jason feel confused, however, he said nothing, and just obeyed her order.

Jason walked Janet out. As she got inside the car, she told him, "Send someone to tail them. Once you get some evidence of them that they're associated with the Black Moon Gangster, report them to the police."

Janet had her way of doing things. She would never kill someone and have her hands stained with their blood.

"Of course, Miss Janet." Jason considered the idea for a while and agreed.

As soon as her car took off, Jason called Caspar for further directives. "Boss Qiao, what's your opinion on this issue? The BM Gangsters are well known for their cruelty..."

"Do what Janet said."

In D City

The night had finally fallen, and Daniel put away the documents he was reading. As he reached out for another one of his business reports, he thought of his daughter, who was sound asleep inside the lounge.

He put the papers down, rubbed his forehead, and turned off the computer.

His little darling princess was still sound asleep. Daniel softly called out to her, "Baby... Baby..."

"Yes... Daddy..." Melissa reached out with her chubby arms around his neck. She was still half asleep when she smiled at him, showing her cute little white teeth.

"Wake up now; Daddy will take you out to play." Daniel helped her sit up on the chair and brought a comb from the bathroom.

Melissa rubbed her eyes, and asked, "Daddy, are you taking me out to eat goodies?"

"Well, what would you like to eat?"

Daniel was no longer a rookie when it came to braiding his daughter's hair, and he quickly braided his daughter's hair into two adorable strands.

"Daddy, can we go and eat cake? Mummy used to make lots of cakes for us!" Melissa really missed the cream cakes her mother made.

The word "us" quickly caught Daniel's attention.

He helped her with the shoes, and he asked her, "Us? You and who else, darling?"

Melissa quickly covered her mouth as she realised that she had almost spilled out her sister's secret. She quickly explained to Daniel, "I meant uncle Caspar and auntie Sherry."

Caspar. This name made Daniel frown, and he asked, "Is your mother close with your uncle Caspar?"


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