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After Being Cheating novel Chapter 228

Nicole could not help smiling. Sven also got out of the fitting room. He had tried on a black sportswear. "Honey, how do I look?" he asked.

"It's black. Won't it make you feel hot?" Nicole tugged on his sleeves and adjusted the clothes for him.

"It's okay, " Sven said, arching an eyebrow.

He glanced at Janet and jokingly said, "Should I get a white one? Jane and I can have matching outfits."

Janet smiled and pretended to scowl, "Aren't you afraid that your wife would get jealous and make you kneel on a durian?"

"It's fine, Jane. Let him buy the white one." Even though Nicole said that, she stared at Sven with a murderous look.

Sven held Nicole's back immediately, shook his head, and said, "I am just kidding. Even if you are okay with it, I don't think I can walk out of this store safely if I do buy it."

Janet realized that Sven was talking about Daniel. She could not help but glance at Daniel, who was not far away from them.

Shirley chose an outfit for him intently. Daniel held onto a gray sportswear and was about to walk to the fitting room.

Sven cast his eyes in the same direction, walked up to Janet, and said, "Don't worry. The secretary won't go tomorrow."

Janet withdrew her eyes from Daniel and said, "I don't care."

She did not care about whom he went out with. It was none of her business.

Sven looked at the way she appeared indifferent and quietly sighed.

They also bought some coats as the temperature in the mountain varied greatly between day and night. Janet chose a light pink coat, as strongly suggested by Nicole and Sally.

"Sven, are we going to stay in a hotel or in tents tomorrow?" Scott asked Sven.

Sven cupped his cheek and thought about it for a little while. Then, he asked Daniel, who was standing next to him, "Daniel, what do you think? Hotel or tents?"

Daniel was looking at the coats. He paused and said, "Hotel."

Angela suddenly popped out of nowhere and said, "Daniel, let's stay in tents, shall we? I have never stayed overnight in a tent, not once."

Sally echoed Angela's idea, "Yes, I also want to try to stay in a tent!"

The suggestion of staying in tents excited the ladies, including Janet, since none of them had ever stayed in a tent. But for Janet, she was happy to go against Daniel's wishes. "Sven, let's stay in tents, " Janet said.

Sven looked at Daniel again. Daniel slightly frowned, but he eventually agreed.

Everyone began to grab some tents. The store had tents good for one and tents good for two.

Even though Janet was alone, she picked out a two-person tent. She preferred to have a bit more space. It would be comfortable for her.

Daniel sat on the sofa alone and watched them all quietly.

"Daniel, aren't you going to get one?" Nicole asked him curiously.

Daniel glanced at Janet's direction and answered, "I already have one."

Nicole nodded her head and then went to change her clothes.

When everyone almost finished picking out their clothes and tents, Angela and Sven whispered to each other for while. Then Angela suggested, "It's early. Let's watch a movie together upstairs."

Janet glanced at Sally and said, "You guys go ahead. I must drive Sally home."

Sally was pregnant. She should not stay up late.

Angela ran toward Sally and whispered to her. Sally nodded, took out her phone, and said, "Jane, you go with them. I'll ask your brother to take me home."

Sven winked at the man sitting on the sofa, "What about you? Do you want to come with us?"

Daniel did not answer until he heard the an affirmative answer from Janet.

When he did, he eagerly nodded his head.

As they waited for Jerry, everyone put all the stuff in their respective car trunks. They had planned to set off for the movie as soon as Jerry arrived.


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