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After Being Cheating novel Chapter 229

Janet hurriedly dashed to the front row, but Daniel quickly followed her. Everyone was confused about what's happening. Then, Daniel pulled Janet back to the last row, picked two seats, and sat down.

"What do you want to do?" Janet gave a sharp look to the man beside her.

The man suddenly smiled and whispered to her, "Nothing. I just want to sit with you!"

... Janet immediately got angry.

'What an asshole!' Then, she said, "Be careful what you say. Your secretary might get jealous!"

Shirley, sitting in front, frequently turned to look at them.

Daniel ignored her words and seductively said, "I've heard that cinemas... are very exciting." He looked at the the woman whose face turned red as an apple, "How about we give it a shot?"

"No! What the hell are you talking about? Go do it with your secretary instead!" Janet put the popcorn in his arms and stood up. She just wanted to be away from this rascal!

But Daniel put aside the popcorn and pulled Janet back to sit on his lap again.

"Don't play tricks, or I will really do what I want!" He warned her in low voice.

At this point, Janet was upset but she didn't want to make a scene, so she had to retreat and sit down.

The movie was chosen by Sven. Since all of them were adults, and they didn't come here just to watch a movie, he chose a love film.

The movie started with a bed scene. Everyone sitting in front felt really awkward, except Angela.

Those sitting in the middle were indifferent.

As for the two sitting in the last row, Daniel suddenly lifted Janet's chin up and sharply looked at her.

"Why... are you looking at me like that?" Janet was scared.

He locked her neck with his right arm and kissed her.


A background music began to play, signaling the end of the bed scene. But Janet was still immersed in Daniel's kissing and couldn't come to her senses.

After they stopped kissing, Janet wiped her mouth hard, which disappointed Daniel.

"Daniel! Are you a sex addict? You are always horny!"


The man glared at Janet with a savage look.

"Janet, can't you say anything nice to me? If you can't, I'll help you!"

The woman sneered at him and said, "How will you help me?"

Without any word, Daniel threatened her by pressing her head down.

Janet's face was on his lap...

Realizing what he wanted her to do, Janet panicked, "Daniel, are you crazy? Let go of me!"

She would never speak to him anymore. Wasn't that enough?

Hearing her voice tremble, Daniel sadly let go of her neck. Janet instantly sat and started watching the movie with intent.

The others knew what they were up to, so they didn't even look back. Daniel lazily leaned on his chair and dozed off. Janet suddenly wanted to go to the toilet, "I need to go."

"What do you want to do?" The man didn't open his eyes.

Janet suppressed his anger and said, "Toilet!"

Daniel stood up, put his hand in his pocket, and walked away.

The woman was dumbfounded and sat on her seat without moving.

The man looked back and frowned, "Are you coming?"

Janet immediately stood up from the chair, "Yes, yes."

"Daniel, what are you going to do?" Jerry asked.

Before Daniel answered, Janet instantly said, "Jerry, I'm going out for a bit. I'll be back in a second!"


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