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After Being Cheating novel Chapter 230

Daniel looked angry as he bluntly said to her, "You ungrateful girl. Now, you are just asking for a punishment from me!"

Janet curled up her lips in distress, "Daniel, I don't wish to see you anymore. You should stop bothering me."

She knew that he did not love her, but she did not understand why on earth did he keep on seeing her?

Was it because of the child? If that was indeed the case, she actually had a solution. Janet opened her mouth decidedly and said, "Let's draw a line here. Let us both compromise on our daughter's custody!"

"How do we compromise?" His voice was so cold that Janet shivered.

She thought for a second and sighed before spitting out the words, "I will get full custody, but you are allowed some visitation rights."

She could not give the custody to Daniel as she was concerned that he would find a stepmother for her child. She, on the other hand, would never find a stepfather for her daughter.

She could clearly feel his wrath, as his hand on her wrist gripped tighter.

"Don't test my patience! I swear to God I will throw you into the ocean!"


Janet suddenly felt scared. She was concerned that he would actually jump on her throat and kill her.

"Fine. We can take turns looking after the child..."

She found it pointless to argue with him here. She would rather take the high road because she still had the other twin.

His face turned even worse. He raised his palm into the air. Janet got scared and screamed out, "Fine! You get custody. I will just visit her from time to time!"

She gave in. Janet felt stupid and defeated.

His palm landed on her neck. Janet closed her eyes at his touch. What else did he want?

She already gave the custody to him. What more could he possibly want out of her? There was no way for him to deprive her of the visitation right!

She murmured with her eyes closed, "It would be impossible for me to not visit my child! You might as well just kill me! I would rather die than not see her."

Daniel looked at her face. For a moment, he was amused. Why couldn't she just admit that she would rather die than not be with him?

"Tell me, woman, who are you thinking of at the moment?" He could never be this harsh to her. Just like now, he was really mad at her, but he released his hand.

His question caught Janet off guard. She didn't expect him to ask such question.

"I am thinking of a lot of people. Like my great-grandmother, grandparents, parents..."

"Shut up!" His face went dark as he ripped her clothes off.

Her shredded clothes were in his hands. Janet stared at him coldly, "Don't touch me! Go away!"

Daniel's love life had been very complicated these past three years. He never changed. He had dated Shirley for a while. And now, Janet was not in the mood to flirt with him at all.

Daniel smirked as he stripped her naked and threw her clothes on the floor.

Janet helplessly covered her body. Her teeth clenched as she glared at him. "What is he trying to do?" thought she desperately.

Next second, his kisses fell on her smooth skin... Over and over...

His lips touched her beautiful neck and enticing collarbone with great passion... He deliberately left hickeys on her whole body.

"Hey... Let me go... Don't... touch me!" The ambience inside the car was heated. After twenty minutes of sweet torture, he eventually let go of her.

Sitting on the back seat, she covered her face with her palms. She didn't want to have eye contact with him right now.

The love bites on her body made him feel good.

He left the car with her phone and quickly went upstairs.


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