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After Being Cheating novel Chapter 232

The people in the living room were surprised. "Oh my god, Jane, are you allergic to something?" Selina Bo was surprised, and carefully looked at Janet's neck.

"Jane, you've been through too much!" Sally laughed. She had got married, and she knew what had happened to Jane.

"Oh my god, Daniel, you are really strong!" Sven Si crossed his arms and looked at the smoking man.

Janet blushed and covered her neck. Feeling embarrassed, she said, "All of you, stop looking at me!"

Trying to cover her smiling face, Selina asked, "Daniel, do you want a second child?"

"A second child? Even if I wanted to have a second child, I definitely wouldn't have it with him again!" Janet became very angry, and said something which badly irritated Daniel.

He was smoking on his cigarette, and after hearing Janet's words, he casually said, "If you ever dare to have a second child with another man, I'll kill him!"


Ignoring the people's laughter around her, Janet stared at Daniel furiously, and said, "Daniel, you just wait for my wedding invitation!"

She then rushed into his wardrobe and put a long winter scarf on her neck.

The crowd laughed again, and later they left the Waterside Complex together.

Janet was the last of the group, and she stared at Jerry Shao until he started feeling uncomfortable.

"Why are you staring at me like that?" he asked.

"Your sister didn't come home the entire night; why didn't you do something about it?"

Janet was complaining. She hadn't come back home at night for many times, and her family had eventually stopped worrying and looking for her, which made her sad.

'Oh. That's the reason why she's become so angry.' Jerry understood her but didn't answer her question; instead, he said something else. "Well, Daniel came to our house the day before yesterday. He brought a bottle of expensive new tea for our father, the leaves were hand-picked by young girls, around sixteen years old. The freshest tea leaves were picked with their lips so that the tea water was clean and fresh, and..."

"Stop talking! Brother, what on Earth are you talking about there?" Janet felt exhausted and interrupted Jerry's talking.

Jerry nodded, and cryptically answered Janet, "During the past three years, Daniel was the one who helped taking care of our parents. He always came to see his parents-in-law and every time he did this, he brought many gifts for them. The tea was just one example. Our father had admitted you two as being a couple, and so did I."

After all, Daniel was the father of her twin daughters. If it was someone else who had spent the night with Janet, he would have dragged his sister back home immediately!

"What? Parents-in-law? What are you talking about, Jerry?" Janet didn't like this kind of talk, which made her face turn red again…

There was only one elevator available, and Janet kept talking to Jerry while they waited for another lift.

"What I said was the truth. In my opinion, you should make up with Daniel. You two should get married immediately and build a warm family for the twins."

Janet became quiet.

She agreed. However, Daniel hadn't apologized to her yet.

Janet lowered her head, and said, "Jerry, if Daniel apologizes to me, I will consider your suggestion."

"Why do you want him to apologize?"

Daniel stood behind her and listened carefully to their conversation. Janet didn't notice his presence, and said, "Because Daniel can't keep to just one woman. Even if I misunderstood him in the past, he fully deserved it! If it isn't possible, then I won't fight for my daughters' custody. I'll get married to some else and never see him again..."

Janet hadn't finished her sentence, but her chin was suddenly raised by someone.

Janet was shocked, and she looked at the angry man, and wondered, 'When did Daniel come so close?

Where is my brother Jerry?

Why are there only two people here?

How did this happen?'

Although his eyes showed that he was very angry, Daniel softly asked, "Do you want to marry another man?"


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