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After Being Cheating novel Chapter 233

Angela also raised her hand, and said, "Me..." Under Sven's gaze, she continued, "Ten days!"

Hearing her, they all looked at Angela with envious eyes. Scott then protested to her, "Angela, please don't show off with your happy, free days to us, okay?"

Scott was studying at the same college as Angela was, and he had known pretty well that Angela was always skipping her classes, and was hanging around outside the campus most of the time!

Angela wasn't convinced by Scott's protest, and she distracted everyone's attention to Janet, and said, "Please, I'm not the one that you should be focusing on! Did you guys know that, when they were in college, Jane used to go with Bill to Korea to plant roses together? And they also went to France to eat... what was that? I can't remember it's name, but anyway, some kind of specialties!"

Bill being mentioned, Janet thought that maybe she should have also invited Bill to come along on the trip with them, to relax and lay his mind off of things.

In a gloomy voice, she said, "Oh, if you hadn't brought it up, I would have totally forgotten about it. I think it's time to take Bill back to Korea again!"

Sally looked at her, and asked, "What are you going to do in Korea?"

Janet replied to her with three simple words, "Plant pretty flowers."

The man next to her suddenly stood up from his seat, and while pulling out a cigarette out of his pack, he quickly strode to the parking lot nearby where he smoked it alone.

Janet looked at his back, and wondered if he actually wanted her to also shut up for the entire trip.

She then sighed, and thought that the man that she was looking at was really cold-blooded when it came to love. She was perplexed at the thought that he had slept with her the night before, and now, the following day, he could simply ignore her entire existence so easily.

The dishes were soon placed on the table, and Daniel also returned to his seat.

Enjoying the fresh and organic food, everyone felt quite happy and energized.

A dish of steamed carp fish was on the table, but it was placed beyond Janet's reach. She wanted to eat some of it, but she gave up on the idea because it was too far away from her.

Jerry placed a fish slice on Sally's plate, and said, "Here, eat some more fish. You're pregnant, fish is good for the baby."

Sally nodded, and happily ate the piece of fish on her plate.

Janet glanced at her brother and sister-in-law with an admiring look in her eyes, and tittered, "Sally, you should ask my brother to go fishing for you!"

She then served some chicken soup in a bowl and put it in front of her.

At that moment, Janet noticed that the man sitting next to her still hadn't touched his chopsticks and eaten anything yet.

Daniel was squeamish about cleanliness, and maybe these foods weren't to his liking.

Janet also initially didn't want to eat when she saw the unsterillized dinnerware chopsticks. But, after experiencing the hard days in Z Country, she had become less critical of this kind of thing now.

Janet had always considered those days as hard days, but only according to her own experience; of course, if they were to be compared to those of the refugees in Africa, she thought that she had been much more luckier than they were.

Janet stretched out her arm in front of Daniel and picked up a slice of pork meat with her chopsticks, but she didn't catch it well, and the slice of meat slipped right onto Daniel's plate.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to do that!" said Janet. She then hastily picked up the slice from Daniel's plate.

However, at that moment, Sven suddenly tittered, and cheered on Janet, "Jane, if you wanted to pick up food for Daniel, you should have just said so!"

"Right, right! Daniel hasn't eaten anything yet!" echoed Selina. All except Janet and Daniel knew quite well what their true mission was during their trip.

Janet was speechless when she heard them, and all of them seemed to not believe her.

She had to give up on her attempt to explain more. Instead, she picked the slice of pork meat and raised it to Daniel's mouth, saying, "It's been on your plate already, and I don't want it anymore. I'm giving it back to you."

Everyone tittered, and Daniel looked at the black thing in front of him, and frowned.

Janet didn't get his reply, and was just about to draw back her hand when Daniel suddenly grabbed it, opened his mouth, and ate it.

All the other people on the table winked at Janet, which made her feel embarrassed of the whole scene. She lowered her head and continued on eating her bowl of rice.

Again, Janet stretched out her arm and picked up another slice of pork meat. However, the same tragedy happened again...

She again looked at the slice of meat on Daniel's plate speechless, and in her mind cursed the chef that had sliced the meat into such small chunks!

Janet looked at their teasing faces, and asked in an even more embarrassed voice, "Can I explain myself?"

But they shook their heads to Janet, and Jerry picked a slice of pork rib into his wife's bowl, and then said to his sister, "You don't need to explain anything, the fact is that you're picking food for Daniel!"

Daniel blew a cloud of smoke out of his cigarette around the table. He then placed the cigarette between his left hand's fingers, grabbed his chopsticks with his right, picked up a slice of meat and ate it.


Janet made up her mind that she shouldn't eat out of that particular dish of pork meat again!


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