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After Being Cheating novel Chapter 236

While snuffling, Janet turned around, and explained, "I have nothing to do with him, and I'm not his girlfriend!"

After he heard her, Daniel, who was about to coax her, again began to be impatient.

He grabbed Janet's arm, and said, "What do you want me to do, eh?"

"I want you to carry me on your back and climb the mountain!" For a while, Daniel was stunned by her wish.

Janet, who was still crying, then tried to wipe her tears off her face. She didn't want to go back before she reached the top of the mountain, because that would have made the whole trip meaningless.

Daniel was annoyed, but still squatted for her. Janet rudely climbed on his back, and said, "You have to carry me until we reach the mountain top. If you don't do that, then I'll cry all the way!"


"Shut up now! Otherwise, I'll abandon you right here!" Indeed, he couldn't stand her crying. Whenever she cried, he was also sad.

Janet then immediately stopped speaking. When they passed by the middle-aged sanitation worker again, the worker even smiled at her.

Janet blushed and buried her face in Daniel's back, feeling very embarrassed.

Janet believed that it was all Daniel's fault! He was the one who had made her feel ashamed!

When Daniel was in the military camp, he was able to run for 20 kilometres straight while in the same time carrying 25 kilograms of equipment on his back. Of course he could carry Janet to the mountain top.

But even so, Daniel sweated a lot on their way up there, and was almost out of breath when they had reached the mountain top.

Janet didn't feel tired at all; there was no need for her to sweat or gasp for breath.

Before Janet got the chance to care about Daniel, Jerry and Sven ran over to them and looked at Daniel in amazement. "Daniel, did you climb up the mountain while carrying your woman on your back?" asked Sven.

Janet stared at Sven, and thought, 'Your woman?'

She then took a wet wipe from Selina and handed it to Daniel.

Jerry immediately stopped her, and said, "Daniel carried you on his back for so long, so he must be too tired to even raise his arms. Why are you still asking him to wipe off his sweat?"



Janet drew Daniel aside, let him sit on a chair and started to help him wipe the sweat off of his forehead.

When Janet stood in front of him, he smelled her delicate scent coming from her skin.

Daniel couldn't help but wrap his arms around Janet's waist.

"Stop! I'm helping you wipe off the sweat!" said Janet. Several people leaned against the fence on the mountain top and looked at them, snickering.

After he kissed her on the belly, Daniel released her from his grasp.

"Wait!" After uttering this word, Janet went to get another wet wipe and cleaned the rest of the sweat off his face.

After that, she left him alone. When he saw this, Jerry gave Janet a bottle of mineral water and winked at her. Janet understood, and after she looked at the bottle of mineral water, she slowly walked up to Daniel.

She was about to give it to him, but then she remembered what he had asked her the night before in the apartment, and she twisted the cap off the bottle for him and only then he handed it to him.

Daniel drank the water in almost a single gulp. Janet was stunned by this, and wondered whether his stomach, which could hold so much water, was actually a bag.

After she threw the empty bottle into the garbage can, Janet ran to take photos and enjoy the wonderful mountain scenery.

There were other countless green mountains surrounding the mountain top around them. Whenever a cool breeze would blow, it would become pleasantly cool there.

All the people there were feeling in a good mood.

Selina gave her camera to Jerry, and asked all the girls to take a group photo.


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