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After Being Cheating novel Chapter 237

"I feel more sorry for you. She had bullied you for several years when both of you were little."

Janet and Sven grew up together abroad. They had numerous fights with each other very often when they were still young. There were times that Sven even lost to Janet...

Sven still felt so upset and dismayed when he remembered those days.

Janet blushed, stared at Daniel and retored, "You two are messing with me, aren't you?"

"Uh-huh." Daniel was indeed teasing her. He didn't shy away from admitting it.

Janet got pissed off. She ran to him, grabbed his arm and gifted him a nasty bite.

Daniel did not dodge, and he let her do whatever she wanted. He actually knew right away what she would do.

Shelly laughed so hard and interrupted the both of them, "Take it easy, Jane. You must take the responsibility if he hurt himself. You know that, right?"

"Ha! Ha!" They all laughed heartily at Shelly's joke.

Janet let go of Daniel's arm but just stared at him. His careless expression stayed the same.

If it were not for the obvious teeth marks on his arm, Janet would thought she had bit someone else.

Daniel withdrew his arm slowly and said, "Whether she wants it or not, she can't run away from me. He loves me too much."

His voice was loud enough for everyone to hear.

Janet's heart beat faster. 'What did he mean by that? Does he really love her? Why would he say something like that?'

"Daniel, when do you want to get married?" Angela asked, trying to bring up the topic.

"Yes and when? You have a lovely daughter together, but you still have the nerve to mess around?" said Sally.


Janet walked a few steps away from him and said, "You're all overthinking. He has a fiancee."

"Daniel is a beautiful and intelligent man. It's natural that other women would try everything to get him. Janet, you go for it and compete." Sven patted her on the shoulder.

'Why should I compete for him? Why me and not Daniel?' Janet tried to convince herself not to give in.

Everyone kept talking about Daniel and Janet's confusing relationship.

Janet quickly changed the subject and said, "Let's go downhill. The Ten-Mile scene is right there, am I correct? Let's go. It's very beautiful in there."

Janet picked up her coat, put it on and began to head downhill.

Sven gently patted Daniel on the shoulder. Though Sven did not even say a single word, he delivered his message very clearly. Daniel and Sven knew each other so well. Then he held Nicole's arm and followed Janet.

The road repairmen were indeed very great in what they do. They had build a solid road hovering in thin air over the mountains.

The road was made of wood, as well as the rail. They were all very solid. Janet meant to walk ahead of them to see the scene first, but she was a little afraid of heights.

She walked slowly. The scene was really beautiful. Janet could not help but stop to take pictures. She was taking pictures when Daniel walked past her.

The scene was fascinating and breathtaking. There were clouds and mist around the mountains. It seemed that they were stepping into a magical fairyland.

She took dozens of pictures.

The roads in the mountain were filled of twists and turns. Before she knew it, she was already the last one in the pack. Everyone else was gone.

But she had to move very slowly as she was afraid of heights.

As she turned a corner, the first one she saw was Daniel.

Janet breathed a sigh of relief when she saw everyone. She quickened her pace some and walked past Daniel.

The road became wider, so she wanted to catch up with others.

After that, Daniel was the last in line.

He picked up his pace after he made sure that Janet had kept up with others.

'The ten kilometre painted canvas' was certainly very beautiful. The scene felt different at every step. Everyone was impressed by the natural greatness of the motherland.


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