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After Being Cheating novel Chapter 240

'What else has she been through these past three years?'

The more Daniel knew, the more heartbroken he was.

When he finally said, "I'm here", Janet was quite relieved.

In the past three years, she had been through things she had never thought she would experience. Every time she wanted to cry, but she dared not to.

When she couldn't help crying, Caspar always comforted her. But unlike Daniel, Caspar couldn't give her a sense of security, so she couldn't cry heartily.

Now that she was back with Daniel and felt secure, she heavily sobbed for quite a long time. Then, she wiped her tears and said, "Let's go back."

Having seen her tears twice today, Daniel was heartbroken and took her face in his hands. As Daniel was about to kiss her, Sven pointed a flashlight on their faces.

"Jane, we've already brought the things back. You can go back with Daniel!"


Knowing what Daniel wanted to do, Janet hurriedly left him and walked toward Sven.

After she got her washbasin and towel, she stopped and looked at Daniel.

Daniel took the flashlight from Sven's hands and walked back first.

Janet didn't follow him immediately. She looked at his brother and Sven and asked again, "When you went back there, did you see it?"

"No. Just go ahead. Daniel is not frightened at all anyway." Jerry waved his hands to his sister.

Realizing she didn't follow, Daniel turned back and pulled her wrist, "I've never seen such a coward. You are afraid of the dark, pets, and snakes. Janet, is there anything you are not afraid of?"

Janet kept quiet and glared at him. But he still held her wrist, so she had to go with him.

As they approached the place where they were before, Janet pulled his wrist and said in horror, "I won't go!"

Daniel used the flashlight to check the surroundings, took the washbasin from her hand, and filled it with water.

Then, he turned off the flashlight, "Wash!"

Janet was still afraid and asked him, "What if there is snake again?"

"I'll throw it into the river!" 'Damn it! How dare the snake terrify my woman!'


Janet was speechless, but she squatted and said, "Could you turn around?"

"There is no need to do so. I've seen all the parts of your body!" The man just threw her towel into the basin, wet the towel, and wrung it out for her.

In the darkness, the two were close to each other. Janet's heart beat faster again.

Daniel gave her the towel, but she didn't move. So he asked, "Should I help you?"

Eh? "Where are you going?" She grasped his clothes immediately and asked him nervously.

Daniel smiled, "I'll help you wash your body!"

... Janet took the towel from him and wiped her face.

"Could you please turn around? Dude..."


His threatening voice made Janet take her words back, "I meant Daniel."

"No, I won't!"

Janet cleaned her arms in anger and heard Daniel say, "I can turn around. But what if there is a snake and I couldn't see it?"

His words made Janet want to cry, "Fine! Don't turn your back and don't mention that word!"

"Okay!" He promised instantly.

'Damn it! Everyone has his own weakness. I am totally under Daniel's control.'

Janet quickly washed the front part of her body. When she stood up, the man held her hand said in low voice, "I'll help you clean your back."

"No... No need. I'll do it myself."

In the darkness, there was a kind of intimacy felt between the two.


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