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After Being Cheating novel Chapter 239

It turned out that she was just assuming things by herself.

She asked him with a tone of dismay, "Will you eat it?"

Daniel felt her anger rising so he took the 'Donkey Burger' from her hand and took a big bite on it.

The taste wasn't as bad as he thought. He chewed on it reluctantly.

And then Janet passed him a bowl of pork soup and ordered determinedly, "Eat it!"

Janet didn't expect Daniel to eat the soup.

But Daniel really picked up the spoon and had the soup.

Seeing this scene, Sally was too stunned that she had to pause from eating.

As Daniel's sister, Sally never saw his brother being obedient like this ever since he was born.

Their father's very cold expressions always aroused his rebellions.

But when facing Janet, Daniel was laid-back and would always listen to what she says.

'Everything has its conqueror. It's true indeed. Daniel was conquered by this woman.' Sally thought to herself in jest.

And then she gave her a thumbs-up signal with great respect.

Janet was confused and mistook this gesture as just an act of fun.

Then she quickly passed a bowl of soup for Sally, "Sally, it's yours."

"Thank you! But Jerry had let me drink some already!" Sally put the bowl down on Daniel's plate. Seeing that Janet was actually expecting, Daniel glanced at the soup and controlled his uncomfortable feelings. He drank it.

Daniel had never come to a restaurant of this kind. When he was on a business trip to a village, someone would specially prepare food for him. He would always get what he wanted.

And then all the kitchen utensils were totally new. Everything he used was spotlessly clean.

But now all the things here were used by others and wasn't disinfected. He had no appetite at all.

If not for Janet, he wouldn't have eaten so much.

He then glanced at Sven who was seated opposite him.

'Was he a neat-freak like his father? Why does he seem to enjoy the dinner very much?' Daniel wondered.

Seeing his confused look, Sven wiped his mouth, "Don't be particular about what we eat now. When I went to the poor mountain area to help the elderly two years ago, their bowls were all like this. Their food were all boiled potatoes and potherbs. They even seldom ate eggs."

Daniel knew why Sven could enjoy it.

What he said reminded him of his days in Z Country. Comparing his life there when he was facing African refugees, he even had a more comfortable life.

Janet picked up a piece of potherbs through the chopsticks and put it into Daniel's plate. She said, "Eat!"

Danial hesitated for a long time but eventually ate all of it.

And then Janet picked up a piece of boiled carp, spicy crab, and pickled carrots.

But Daniel just ate everything Janet prepared for him.

After having dinner, they realized that it was already becoming dark.

They asked the shopkeeper where they could put up a tent and then walked east.

Sven and Daniel led the way with their two flashlights. Cole and Scott followed the whole team. Jerry held his wife.

After walking for less than five minutes, Daniel turned back and took Janet's huge bag.

He said nothing and just continued walking.


Selina whispered to Janet, "Jane, Daniel is so kind to you!"

Janet smiled reluctantly.


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