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After Being Cheating novel Chapter 243

"It is romantic to enjoy the sunrise with the opposite sex. Look, all of them are couples. So you should not be with me." Angela's words made Janet a little frustrated, so Janet looked at Angela sadly and wanted to say something.

But Angela stopped her and waved to Daniel, saying, "Daniel, please take Jane with you. I want to enjoy the sunrise with Cole."

At that moment, Cole held Angela in his arms to show that they wanted to watch sunrise together.


Daniel calmly looked at Janet who was obviously in a bad mood, and said, "Janet."

Janet became more upset. She thought, 'You called me Jane last night but now you called me Janet. Perhaps you feel sorry for Shirley because you are with me now.'

"What?" Janet said in a cold tone.

"Come here and sit with me." It was a rare opportunity for he and Janet to enjoy some peaceful time. He didn't want to waste it.

Moreover, it was romantic to watch the sunrise, so he wanted to enjoy it with his beloved one.

"Why?" Janet asked.

'Are you kidding?' Daniel thought to himself. He then picked her up and put her in the place where he had sat.

Then, he sat next to her.

It was a little cold in the morning. Fortunately, Janet was wearing a coat, but Daniel wasn't. Janet was about to argue with Daniel, but she became quiet the moment she touched his cold arm.

Later, Daniel held Janet's arm and let her head rest on his shoulder. Janet said nothing.

Both of them were enjoying the beautiful and quiet moment.

If anyone spotted that scene, he would think that they were definitely a couple.

When Janet felt dizzy and sleepy, there appeared golden ray in the sky.

"Have you fallen asleep?" Daniel asked.

His words seemed like a trigger. Suddenly, Janet woke up.

She sat up a bit and looked at the sky.

In the distance, the red sun rose little by little from behind the clouds. The sky soon became red and yellow. What a beautiful scene! Everyone was amazed at what they saw.

Janet immediately grasped the opportunity to take a photo of this natural wonder.

"Do you like it?" The man asked.

Janet nodded without hesitation. How could anyone not like it?

Daniel stared at Janet and then silently took out his phone to take a picture of Janet.

Janet, who was immersed in the marvel of it all, didn't notice what he did.

The sun slowly appeared. Half of it, then, came out.

Angela was taking photos.

Janet glanced around and she saw all the couples kissing each other. She was surprised and shy, so she quickly lowered her head and pretended to play on her mobile phone.

At that moment, Daniel turned around to see Janet. He also spotted those kissing couples.

He grinned and lifted her chin. He found that her face was red, so he thought she must have noticed those kissing couples.

Daniel looked at her for a while and slowly lowered his head. It seemed that he wanted to kiss her. Janet's breath instantly intensified.

When Daniel's head approached hers, Janet closed her eyes.

However, Janet suddenly heard Daniel's laugh. She opened her eyes and found Daniel smiling at her. He said, "You thought that I would kiss you?"

Janet instantly felt a burst of anger. 'Are you treating me like a fool?' She thought.

She stood up and was ready to leave.


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