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After Being Cheating novel Chapter 244

"I am not stalking you. My girlfriend and I are touring C Country for its great scenery." He continued, "And I am also intending to increase my power in C Country."

'Increase his power?' Janet slowed down her pace, and asked herself, 'Which gang does he belong to?'

"Janet, people call me Black Moon."

'The ruthless Black Moon Gangster?' His words had shocked Janet.

She took a deep breath, and left without saying one more word.

At that point, Daniel and the others came up to them.

He glanced around coldly, and the men and the women in front of the waterfall frowned a little.

The man in the middle was staring at Janet's back and was laughing cheerfully, very much interested in her.

According to his experience, these were very bad people.

He hastened his pace, and put his right arm on her shoulder when he caught up with her.

Janet felt that she had become the Black Moon's target, but didn't know why.

'This can't be good. I have to be very careful.'

When Daniel got closer to her, she didn't resist him.

Watching them leave together, Hobson viciously smiled. 'That man seems to be the most powerful CEO in C Country, a successful businessman, as well as the Tianye Men's boss. Interesting...'

Actually, what he had said to Janet was true. His new girlfriend had been bothering him about traveling until he had finally agreed to it.

With some persuasion, he had finally managed to successfully deflower his new girlfriend in the woods the night before.

And now he had just met Tianye Men's boss. 'What a stroke of luck!' he thought.

Jerry had also seen Hobson's look on his sister, and he too became worried.

Stopping in front of another waterfall, Janet looked back and felt relieved that Hobson was out of sight.

"Did you know him?" asked Daniel, with his brows knitted.

Janet shook her head, and said, "He's not a good man."

Daniel had seen already that. "Then from now on, stay close to me."

Feeling how serious and worried he was in his request, Janet nodded.

She felt truly safe only when he was around her.

She had nothing to lose but the Tianye Men's leadership.

She felt that she couldn't spend one more day without seeing him, despite his being close to her one minute, and distant the next.

Whether he loved him or not, she loved him, and that was enough.

'Maybe I should let Shirley and Daniel get married and then break them up again.'

Thinking of her evil idea, she giggled, and Daniel looked at her, and wondered what was so funny.

Of course, he couldn't see the evil plan unwinding in her mind.

"What are you thinking about?" he asked.

"I'm thinking about being the other woman, " blurted Janet out, with her mind still on her plan.

Daniel stopped all of a sudden and pinched her chin hard.

She felt it and pushed his hand away. "What are you doing? It hurts, " she said.

"Whose other woman do you want to be? The other woman of the man we met earlier on the road?"

Janet rolled her eyes, and said, "I don't even know him!"


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